梦幻诛仙2 各种装备120级满魂是多少 求详细答案!!!


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    meteor(metric for evaluation of translation with explicit ordering)** a metric for the evaluation of machine translation output.the metric ** based on the harmonic mean of unigram prec**ion and recall,with recall weighted higher than prec**ion.it also has several features that are not found in other metrics,such as stemming and synonymy matching,along with the standard exact word matching.the metric was designed to fix some of the problems found in the popular bleu metric,and also produce good correlation with human judgement at the sentence or segment level th** differs from the bleu metric in that bleu seeks correlation at the corpus level.
    example alignment(a).results h**e been presented which give correlation of up to 0.964 with human judgement at the corpus level,compared to bleu's achievement of 0.817 on the same data set.at the sentence level,the maximum correlation with human judgement achieved was 0.403.[1]




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