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    华盛顿州的福克斯小镇,是个阴雨而偏僻的地方。对于刚从凤凰城搬来和父亲同住的豆蔻少女贝拉·斯旺(克里斯汀·斯图尔特),这里似乎只是个普通得不能再普通的住所,直到她邂逅了17岁的神秘美少年爱德华·卡伦(罗伯特·帕丁森)。爱德华有一双魅惑的蓝眼、雪白的肌肤,也有超凡脱俗的智慧和不同寻常的深沉。而贝拉的甜美和身上薰衣草般的清新香气,也让爱德华一见倾心。很快,这对少男少女便无可抗拒地相互吸引。然而,爱德华天生与众不同。他极其强壮-能徒手挡住差点撞上贝拉的汽车,他速度极快-能跑赢飞奔的雄狮,他能听到别人的想法,无需呼吸或睡眠,而且,他永远不会变老,从1918年开始就一直是十七岁!原来事实上,卡伦家族正是当地聚居的一群吸血鬼。他们肌肤冰冷,没有獠牙,暴露在阳光下也不会被晒伤,更重要的是,爱德华和他家族的其他成员们是吸血鬼**殊的一支:他们恪守不吸人血的戒律,而改以夜间狩猎野生动物的血液为食。对于爱德华来说,美丽的贝拉是他苦苦等待了一个世纪的珍爱。但每当他靠近贝拉,嗅吸着她所散发的芳香,潜藏的嗜血欲望便不可抑制。为了爱,他只能拼命压抑自己的野性本能,守护这份行走在脆弱边缘的恋情。然而,宁静的小镇,很快有了山风欲来的气氛-詹姆斯(坎姆·吉甘德)、劳伦(艾迪·加斯基)和维多利亚(蕾切尔·拉菲雷),三名卡伦家族的吸血鬼宿敌也即将找上门来,欲置贝拉于死地。这一次,爱德华还能不能保护自己的爱人?grade 9 up–headstrong,sun-loving,17-year-old bella declines her mom's invitation to move to florida,and instead reluctantly opts to move to her dad's cabin in the dreary,rainy town of forks,wa.she becomes intrigued with edward cullen,a d**tant,styl**h,and d**armingly handsome senior,who ** also a vampire.when he reveals that h** specific clan hunts wildlife instead of humans,bella deduces that she ** safe from h** blood-**ing instincts and therefore free to fall hopelessly in love with him.the feeling ** mutual,and the resulting volatile romance smolders as they attempt to hide edward's identity from her family and the rest of the school.meyer adds an eerie new tw**t to the m**matched,star-crossed lovers theme:predator falls for prey,human falls for vampire.th** tension strips away any pretense readers may h**e about the everyday ** romance novel,and k**sing,touching,and talking take on an entirely new meaning when one small m**take could be life-threatening.bella and edward's struggle to make their relationship work becomes a struggle for survival,especially when vampires from an outside clan infiltrate the cullen territory and head straight for her.as a result,the novel's danger-factor skyrockets as the excitement of secret love and hushed affection morphs into a terrifying race to stay alive.real**tic,subtle,succinct,and easy to follow,twilight will h**e readers dying to sink their teeth into it.




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