1.7.2 用命令方块怎么刷him的靴子

俊豪麻 俊豪麻
  • 快乐王子 快乐王子

    verb1.cause to change;make different;cause a transformation;the advent of the automobile may h**e altered the growth pattern of the city""the d**cussion has changed my thinking about the **sue"synonym:change,modify2.make or become different in some particular way,without permanently losing one's or its former character**tics or essence;her mood changes in accordance with the weather""the supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season"synonym:change,vary3.make an alteration to;th** dress needs to be altered"4.insert words into texts,often falsifying it thereby synonym:interpolate,falsify5.remove the ovaries of;** your cat spayed?synonym:neuter,spay,castrate 医学|法律 1.①变更,改变2.②阉,**:如家畜的** 1.变更2.变造3.改变4.更改 alter 1.改变 alloy 合金 alter 改变atmospheric pressure 大气压 http://etraining.thea.cn/cs/learning/2007-10-26/15423-1.htm - 基于261个网页 2.改变,改动,变更 1.alter v.改变,改动,变更2.burst vi.,n.突然发生,爆裂 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/8454497.html -基于209个网页 3.转换,交流电,变换器 alt-ch alternate channel 转换通道,交替声道 alter 转换,交流电,变换器am amperemeter 安培计,电流表 http://bbs.qcyx.cn/simple/index.php?t84.html -基于172个网页 4.更改 altar 祭坛 alter 更改alteration 改变 http://engl**h.itown.cc/art/article/class1/class13/200506/3711.html -基于89个网页 相关词条 alter 1.权限 alter权限http://blog.oracle.com.cn/index.php/212143/spacel**t-blog.html -基于29个网页 2.修改表和索引 权限指定符 权限允许的操作:alter 修改表和索引create 创建数据库和表 http://hi.baidu.com/xletian/blog/item/38a4e9ddcd2e30ed76c638b7.html -基于29个网页 alter ego 1.密友 altazimuth 地平经纬仪 alter ego 密友alter 改变 http://www.ensalon.com/eduen/engl**hstudy/translation/transkill/200612/20061215230140.html -基于24个网页 2.他我 alter ego 另一个我 alter ego 他我alterability 可变性 http://www.sowosky.com/newblog/html/45/n-9445.html -基于22个网页 alter tack 1.掉抡 alter heading 改变航向 alter tack 掉抡alter tack 掉抢 http://www.cihui.biz/index.php/viewnews-8315.html -基于21个网页 2.掉抢 alter tack 掉抡 alter tack 掉抢alter 变更 http://www.cihui.biz/index.php/viewnews-8315.html -基于21个网页 alter bran 1.末脑 alpine zone 高山带 alter bran 末脑alternate 互生的 http://www.enfans.com/16/061c11h2008_12.shtml -基于27个网页
    双语例句1.she was about to alter the trimmings of the dress.她打算改动这件女服的装饰。来自《简明英汉词典》
    2.we h**e to alter the house into a barn.我们不得不把房子改建成谷仓。来自《简明英汉词典》
    3.she ** trying to alter the coat.她正设法改那件衣服。来自《简明英汉词典》
    4.as times alter,men's affections change.时过境迁。来自《简明英汉词典》
    5.soph**try cannot alter h**tory.诡辩改变不了历史。来自《现代汉英综合大词典》




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