

5勾舷sK 5勾舷sK
  • 阿笨 阿笨

    nows heres what s!ms posted:
    hi folks,
    i h**e been wo**ng on th** for ages,and maybe you guys would like to know what's going on.
    i am wo**ng on a psp emulator for the pc(32bit currently),called virtualpsp.it ** a fully wo**ng psp,but now on your pc.it does read the dumped flash(like devhook)and emulates it.(i'm not gonna post all the technical details here,because only 1%will understand what i mean lol).
    as you see it ** wo**ng,but it runs very slow.maybe it ** my pc(1.3ghz/256mb ram),but i'll try to fix th** and let some people try.
    online play(infrastructure)will be **ailable too,all connecting peer to peer.(my server will function as a main host).i need some time to get th** fully wo**ng though.i can connect to my lan pc's,but it freezes when the game's loading.i'll try to fix th** anyway.
    maybe i can add ad-hoc function through the internet?(like kai)
    and no,i'm not gonna release th***yet*.it can take a while,but if i need some testers,i'll pm you.
    i would like to recieve some feedback of my work.
    all sounds very very interesting doesnt it,well as with all announcements from as yet unknown coders we must take th** as a rumoured news,what th** means ** we arent trying to d**respect the coder but try to not build up the news too much if it ** a fake.
    but if th** ** real then wow its great news for the whole psp scene,if the coder agrees to me h**ing a beta to verify the release then ill shout out the news from everywhere,the moment i can verify it




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