魔兽 幻想忍者村物品id 谁知道 最好1.40的


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  • 沈尼 沈尼

    歌曲名:man of iron
    专辑:blood on ice
    i h**e paced these forests for so long i don't know if i am man or i am beast.
    i,though,hold deep within me a quest for revenge.
    then i must be a man as much as i can be.
    i h**e learned to speak the tongue of the animal
    i h**e learned to read the signs in bark and snow.
    i h**e taken within myself the spirits of my fathers,
    long time gone.
    in th** short time,far from home,a man of iron i've grown.
    a man of iron i h**e grown.
    a part of the eternal woods.
    late evening.
    just after sunset on h** way back to h** camp after watching the sun unite
    with the mountains in the west,he sees the flickering of light between the
    tree trunks.approaching,he sees an old man sitting calmly by a fire,as
    if waiting for him.h** left eye m**sing.h** beard as if gold.the signs
    on h** cloak and hood familiar.the one eyed old man matches the
    description of the soothsayer,as told by the elders of h** village by the
    fires at night when he only a child.the boy,now a young man,eager to
    know,asks the one eyed old man about h** dreams.dreams he cannot
    understand.dreams about strange things he ** seeing himself doing.then
    the winds that seem to talk to him.voices that wh**per to him behind h**
    back.the one eyed old man tells him of the cycles of the stars,of the
    trail of fate and of the valley where time and space had ceased to ex**t.
    where h** world ends and the shadows begin.the one eyed old man tells the
    young man that fate has chosen him to interfere with the other world.the
    d**t**ce ** already made.the daughters of the four winds h**e sold
    themselves to the shadows,d**torting the balance of the universe.and the
    one eyed old man says he has seen him come for a thousand years,and that
    the aging gods h**e told him to teach him all that he has ever known and to
    prepare him to ride beyond h** world and into the shadows as their champion
    to restore the balance.to h** aid he shall be given a sword forged when
    th** world was young.he shall be guarded and guided by two r**ens,and he
    shall ride the eight-legged stallion of h** fathers' god.he will encounter
    the woodwoman,and he will make a v**it to the lake.one hundred days and
    one hundred nights h** training shall be hard.and th** very night it will
    already h**e begun.
    and thus he had met the one eyed old man.

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