

雾崽 雾崽
  • 䩜特攻 䩜特攻

    please fold the rules of the game.
    1,first of all,in the game staff stood a row of facing the viewer.give everyone a code,general with the name of the last word,such as zhang san ** shanshan,john doe f**hes **;2,choose a person to start the game,for example,** a beginning three,zhang san said:"you hero,please embrace a boxing,then all together the hands embrace a boxing,and shout at top of life"ha",a sanran continued:"slowly please cecil tea",john doe ** to immediately follow said:"slightest not tea"and jackson on thequestion:"so who drink?lee four answer:"huan huan will drink tea",and then the code ** huan huan's people will answer:"huan huan will not drink tea",li si will ask:"so who will drink tea?.;3,until a person makes m**takes,th** person to accept the pun**hment.
    if you can make a fool of a man,a lot of people will be different to him to ask questions,and faster and faster,so it ** very let people make m**takes.
    note:th** time,a total of 11 people,the game out of the staff waiting,until the selection of a winner,the winner can get all the opposite sex hug,and can be selected from the 1 people in the elimination of pun**hment,the remaining staff to accept the pun**hment.
    penalty type(ren xuan):
    1,blindfolded turn 5 laps,and then shouted"i am superman,i want to go home!2,drink a cup of;3,wipe the cake on the face
    4,put a chopsticks on the mouth,in situ turn three laps;5,imitate a star,singer or animal that he ** familiar with,singing or talking.




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