
柯桥 柯桥
  • 北冥有鱼 北冥有鱼

    had to stand and watch as our members one by one fall.
    只好眼睁睁地看着我们成员一个一个地倒下。the woman identified the stolen watch as hers.
    那个女士认定被偷走的表是她的。he found a new watch as he went to see a film.
    当这个农夫回家时,看到一条蛇躺在路上。i can identify that watch as mine by the scratches on the back.
    我能根据手表背面的擦痕认出那块表是我的。shocked,he could only watch as i turned and started back to bed.
    震惊了的他竟只能呆呆地看着我转身回到病床上。and watch as th** brilliant fireball lights up the western canada sky.
    看看这点燃西部加拿大天空的闪耀的火球吧。bermuda has **sued a tropical storm watch as hurricane bertha approaches.
    随着飓风贝莎迫近,百慕大群岛发布热带风暴预警。then watch as they nervously demur,citing state laws,cost,and fuzzy hospital policies.
    然后,看着他们紧张地提出异议,引用**法律、成本费用和模糊不清的医院政策。make them move straight through enemy infantry and watch as they le**e a wake of dead bodies!让蜂群径直穿过敌人得步兵们然后尽情得欣赏它们留下得一地尸体吧(译者…
    there's really not a lot of shows you can watch as a grown-up with your kids and gladly do it.
    真的没有多少节目可以让成人和孩子一起观看并都喜欢的了。i think that sounds interesting.i am going to hang you too,and watch as your face turns purple.
    我觉得那听起来挺有意思的,我也要把你吊起来,然后看着你的脸慢慢变紫。watch as gates follows a series of clues from par**,to england,and then back to the united states.
    且看盖兹跟随着一连串的线索,一路从巴黎追到英国,然后再回到美国。it ** a region to watch as it ** a region set to become a boutique region in the true french tradition.
    这是一个值得注意的地区,因为这个地区注定会成为真**国传统的精品区。live playstation 3 action!watch as i play playstation 3 games online and see if anything awesome happens.
    直播游戏站3动态实况!看着我打的游戏站3游戏,看看发生什么可怕的事。after all the bad attention china has been getting recently,i am so proud to watch as they band together to help others.
    在最近所有对**恶意的关注之后,我骄傲的看到他们救灾的行动,他们愿意为其他人提供帮助。whittaker ins**ts that two team members stay in the open to keep watch as the robot drives 792 laps around its short test loop.
    惠塔克坚持要两名队员留在外面,观察机器人沿著短短的测试环线行驶792圈。i try to watch as much korean telev**ion as i possibly can and i heard that it ** one of the biggest one,so i'm really happy to be here.
    我尽可能的多看韩国的电视,我听说这是最大的电视台之一,所以真的很高兴能来到这里。the aide wanted to know if william and harry could watch as owen and h** editor looked over their tape of the most recent photos of the royal family.
    这位助理想知道,在欧文和他的编辑检查最近拍摄的有关皇室的带子时,两位王子能否观看。albanian telev**ion pictures show mr.bush wearing h** watch as one man grasped h** arm and seemed to grab at the timepiece.seconds later,the watch was gone.
    阿尔巴尼亚电视画面显示,一名男子抓住布希手臂时,布希戴着手表.这名男子好像抓住了手表。几秒钟以后,手表就不见了。watch as a graf zeppelin of debt propels its self-styled"viking raiders"across the world's financial stage,accumulating companies like gamblers hoarding chips.
    眼看着一位债务领域的齐伯林伯爵在全世界金融舞台上推动其自诩的“维京掠夺者”,就像赌棍囤积**一样蓄积着公司。time after time they'd swarm to help others,watch as the ball was passed around,collapse on trevor at the three-point line and force ariza to create on h** own.
    每次当湖人转移球的时候,他们总是放阿里扎在三分线外,放他持球进攻,而去协防包夹其他球员。there the ss guards held a sad**tic"chr**tmas party"for the inmates,who were compelled to stand in ranks and watch as the guards hanged the recaptured paratroopers.
    党卫队卫兵为同营战俘举办了一次恐怖的“圣诞聚会”,他们被迫排成队列,观看卫兵吊死那些再度被俘的伞兵。president barack obama,michelle obama and vice president joe biden watch as the nasa lunar electric rover stops in front of the reviewing stand.image credit:nasa/bill ingalls.
    **奥巴马,米歇尔奥巴马和副****停在检阅台前观赏美国航天局的月球电动车。图像来源:美国航天局/比尔·英格尔斯。in so doing,each ascending human begins to honor the land again,and it ** with great joy that i buffalo shall watch as many"light workers"willingly agree to ass**t earth in th** manner!这样做,每一提升人类开始再次尊重大地,带着巨大的欢乐,我们大白牛观察到许多“光工作者”主动地同意以这样的方式去援助地球!he g**e me a watch as surety.
    watch as it takes flight to soar across the sky.

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