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  • VV-Wong VV-Wong

    potsdamer platz(波茨坦广场)
    potsdamer platz ** an important public square and traffic intersection in the centre of berlin,germany,lying about one kilometre south of the brandenburg gate and the reichstag(german parliament building),and close to the southeast corner of the tiergarten park.it ** named after the city of potsdam,some 25 km to the south west,and marks the point where the old road from potsdam passed through the city wall of berlin at the potsdam gate.after developing within the space of little over a century from an intersection of rural thoroughfares into the most bustling traffic intersection in europe,it was totally laid waste during world war ii and then left desolate during the cold war era when the berlin wall b**ected its former location,but since the fall of the wall it has r**en again as a glittering new heart for the city and the most v**ible symbol of the new berlin.
    berlin wall(柏林墙)
    the berlin wall(german:berliner mauer)was a physical barrier separating west berlin from the german democratic republic(gdr)(east germany),including east berlin.the longer inner german border demarcated the border between east and west germany.both borders came to symbolize the iron curtain between western and eastern europe.
    the wall separated east germany from west germany for than a quarter-century,from the day construction began on august 13,1961 until the wall was opened on november 9,1989.
    during th** period,at least 136 people were confirmed killed trying to cross the wall into west berlin,according to official figures.however,a prominent victims' group claims that than 200 people were killed trying to flee from east to west berlin.the east german ** **sued shooting orders to border guards dealing with defectors;such orders are not the same as shoot to kill orders which gdr officials denied ever **suing.
    when the east german ** announced on november 9,1989,after several weeks of civil unrest,that all gdr citizens could v**it west germany and west berlin,crowds of east germans climbed onto and crossed the wall,joined by west germans on the other side in a celebratory atmosphere.over the next few weeks,parts of the wall were chipped away by a euphoric public and by souvenir hunters;industrial equipment was later used to remove almost all of the rest of it.
    the fall of the berlin wall p**ed the way for german reunification,which was formally concluded on october 3,1990.
    brandenburg gate(勃兰登堡门)
    brandenburg gate(german:brandenburger tor)** a former city gate and one of the main symbols of berlin and germany.it ** located west of the city center at the intersection of unter den linden and ebertstrasse,immediately west of the par**er platz.it ** the only remaining gate of a series through which one formerly entered berlin.one block to the north stands the reichstag.the gate ** the monumental entry to unter den linden,the renowned boulevard of linden trees which formerly led directly to the city palace of the prussian monarchs.it was comm**sioned by king frederick william ii of prussia as a sign of peace and built by carl gotthard langhans from 1788 to 1791.the brandenburg gate was restored from 2000 to 2002 by the stiftung denkmalschutz berlin(berlin monument conservation foundation).today,it ** considered one of europe's most famous landmarks.

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    提问时间:2024-04-29 21:11:20

    出门装 出恢复瓶 两红一蓝,技能主q副e 第一件一定要破百或者小**,如果对面法师多或者对面上单是法师尽早出振奋和三速鞋子(水银鞋子)对面ad多就第一件蓝盾。后...

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    提问时间:2024-04-29 00:13:23

    残暴之力 破甲 攻击 减cd 和适合盖伦顺风可以合成黑切否则先转肉装 日炎披风 狂徒最后神装黑切 日炎披风 狂徒 轻语 最后个(无尽 兰顿 饮魔刀 可选)鞋子比

  • 关于英雄联盟,龙女能出法装吗?

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  • 英雄联盟s6牛头上单怎么出装

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  • lol英雄联盟大德玛单挑大龙出什么装?

    提问时间:2024-04-29 23:53:38


  • 英雄联盟瑞文上单要怎么出装?

    提问时间:2024-04-29 19:17:36

    按照bestriven的套路 三把大件事核心 就是饮血 轻语 残暴这三件出来你就无敌了 当然前提是要有好的基本功和很强的团队意识 谢谢~!

  • 英雄联盟龙龟出什么装备**

    提问时间:2024-04-29 08:12:49

    这种英雄一般都是**装的 让别人打。龙龟有嘲讽,有w技能加抗性和反弹,被动加成攻击力,所以出阳炎、反伤甲都是不错的选择。当然最重要的是先撑血,龙龟不怎么缺抗性,...

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    提问时间:2024-04-29 03:32:04





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