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  • 慕慕 慕慕

    展开全部《comsic ride》
    专辑;all 4 one
    dum dam da di da di dai
    dam da di da di dai
    i'm on my cosmic ride
    dum da di da di dai
    dum da di da di dai
    i'm gonna search the sky
    'cause i m**s you so
    i'm gonna fly so high
    and i need you so
    here on my cosmic ride
    i don't know where you are are you near or are you far
    are you blue are you green are you just in my dream
    i'm searching for you in that wide and in that open blue
    can you hear what i say are you not that far away
    can you feel what i feel oh to me it's unreal
    i'm searching for you in that wide and it that open blue
    can you hear me
    dam la li la baba
    dam da di da di dai
    i'm on my cosmic ride
    dum da di da di dai
    dam la li la baba
    i'm gonna search the sky
    'cause i m**s you so
    i'm gonna fly so high
    and i need you so
    here on my cosmic ride
    i've been waiting for you on the dark side of the moon
    and i've been to the sun but my journey's begun
    it's sad but it's true i'm alone in that wide open blue
    and i cross milky way hope you're there i just can't wait
    i'm alone my heart hurts in that big universe
    it's sad but it's true i'm alone in that wide open blue
    can you hear me
    dum dam da di da di dai
    dam da di da di dai
    i'm on my cosmic ride
    dum da di da di dai
    dum da di da di dai
    i'm gonna search the sky
    'cause i m**s you so
    i'm gonna fly so high
    and i need you so
    here on my cosmic ride
    dum dam da di da di dai
    dam da di da di dai
    i'm on my cosmic ride
    dum da di da di dai
    dum da di da di dai
    i'm gonna search the sky
    'cause i m**s you so
    i'm gonna fly so high
    and i need you so
    here on my cosmic ride
    'cause i m**s you so
    i'm gonna fly so high
    and i need you so
    here on my cosmic ride

  • dnf**元素师装备最好是带什么

    提问时间:2024-04-30 16:44:41

    我觉得嘛 装备元素也没什么好带的 因为元素是什么属性都有 随便弄套就了 只要是武器和首饰 刷起图来一样的 pk上有技能跑来跑去

  • dnf元素**师装备

    提问时间:2024-04-30 10:08:51

    装备 远古1 现在什么都不要 只需花点钱、在博肯哪里买、就可以了 武器也有 自己想 绝无抄袭 希望采纳

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