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  • milly-air milly-air

    tells the story of an orphan peter parker<andrew irongut field accessories>childhood sojourn in the home of aunt may wants(played by sally field)class t-(martin sheen trim),shy and introverted,he ** often bullied in school,but with thegwen stacy,parker fell in love with the school's person of the year<accessories>emma stone,the innocent liangxiaowucai love let h** lonely life and find hope.when parker after h** father left a mysterious bag found in the home of uncle classes,he began to look for clues to the parents mysteriously d**appeared,and so look on the father had lab partner,dr.connor(played by reese ivan).after an accident has been bitten by a spider,parker suddenly different from ordinary people flying climbing ability,the media and social d**cussion lambasting the mysterious figure:spider-man.spider-man's secret parker in front of h** girlfriend and her father served as chief of police to hide,and when he found the true identity of dr.connors ** big villain the lizards dr.connors,parker how to deal with the outside world spider-man thequestion of identity and capabilities,desperate to come forward to s**e the people of new york from d**aster?




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