
 于蟹蟹  于蟹蟹
  • 小册佬 小册佬

    the world of darkness ** a place where immortal monsters pull the strings of
    humnity.violence and despair are common here.the world ** bleak,but escape ** an ever-present commodity-perhaps too present.
    黑暗世界是一个由不朽的怪物支配人类的地方,这里充满**和绝望。虽然这个世界是令人绝望的,但是逃亡是种永远存在的日用品,也许现在也是。a new game starts with creating a new character.would you like to.
    一个新的游戏开始创建一个新的角色。你想要。1.answer a series of questions about the type of vampire you would like to play and allow the game to create your charater.
    1.以回答一系列关于你喜欢的吸血鬼类型的问题来决定游戏创建你的角色。2.go directly to the character sheet and set your character's clan,attributes and abilitiers yourself.
    2.直接进入创建角色菜单,你自己来设定角色的种族,属性和技能。选1 回答问题
    would you like your character to be.
    1 male 男性 2 female 女性
    宁愿打酱油也不要打啤酒。you're in a convenience store,looking through the beer freezer,when all of the sudden a man walks in and pulls a gun on the cashier.do you.
    1.sneak up behind him,d**arm him,and proceed to beat him senseless?偷偷地潜行到他的后面,制服(解除他的**)他并且紧接着打晕他?2.quietly make your way to the bathroom and lock youself in?迅速逃到洗手间把自己关在里面?少些执着少些烦恼,自找的。you're outbid at an auction for a macabre piece of art that you just must h**e.you know the collector who won it-you'vre even been to h** house.do you.
    1.get a few drinks into him later on and persuade him to sell it to you?灌他个小醉之后劝他把这个珍品卖给你?2.wait until he le**es,find h** spare key,and make it look like a robbery?等他离开后,拿了他的备用钥匙制造出一场**案。3.write an unflattering critique on the art**t,get it publ**hed,and just wait for your friend to friend to try to unload it?写一篇诋毁这个艺术品的评论,并且让评论散播出,然后就一直等到你的朋友的朋友 想弃掉这个艺术品为止?好**。an intruder has broken into your house and has entered the room,you h**e no choice but to confront them.do you.
    1.overpower and wrestel them to the ground,breaking as many bones as possible?把他痛扁一顿打趴为止,尽可能多地打断他骨头?2.grab the he**y lamp next to your bed and smash their face in?抄起你床边很沉重的台灯然后猛击他的脸?3.grab your gun and fire into them.you keep one next the bed for th** very reason?抄起你的枪向他射击,留住他的命在在床边问他缘由?as you're walking home late at night,you hear footsteps,glance back,and suddenly realize someone ** following you.do you.
    1.turn to confront them?转身勇敢地面对他们?2.duck behind a tree to lose them?突然闪入一棵树的后面消失在他们眼前?you met someone at a club and they took you back to their place.things start getting when all the sudden you hear someone come in the front door.their spouse.do you.
    你在酒吧认识了一个人并且他把你带回到了他的家。当事情正要变得有趣的时候,突 然你听见有人进门了,是他的配偶。你会.
    1.head to the kitchen,let them see you,pretend you're a d**tant cousin and they were nice enough to let you stay on the couch?走进厨房让她看见你,对她假装是你是一位远房亲戚并且令她对你有足够的好感让你 躺在沙发上?2.gather up clothes,hide behind the door,slip out of the apatment as quietly as quietly as possible?整理好衣服,躲到门后,然后进全力越快越好地溜出这个房子?3.calmly explain you had no idea they were married and that you inted to le**e and nver come back-keeping your finger over the speed dial in case you need the police?平静地解释你根本不知道他们是已经结了婚的,要么能全身而退要是会不来在紧急时 迅速地用手指拨打话呼叫**?汗~这个不会翻译。it's late,you,re at the red spot,waiting for your microw**e burrito to heat up.there are three arcade games to waste some time on.which one do you play?你在红点阶段不久,要等你烤的墨西哥玉米煎饼加热。这里有3个小游戏去消磨一些 时间你会选择玩哪个?1.the fighting game.i pull off the triple flash uppercut as a fin**her every time.
    2.that beat-em-ep




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