

安V17125294272 安V17125294272
  • 喵喵 喵喵

    当北落师门出现时吟诵三遍 ph'nglui m**'nafh cthugha fomalhaut n'gha-ghaa naf'l thagn!ia!cthugha!即可召唤克图格亚
    在额间用手指依次摆出正三角形菱形和倒正三角形并呼喊 hear me!king of infinite space!planetmover!the foundation of fastness!ruler of earthquakes!the vanqu**her of terror!the creator of panic!destroyer!the shining victor!son of chaos and the void!the guardian of the abyss!god of the outermost darkness!lord of dimensions!riddle-knower!guardian of the secrets!lord of the labyrinth!master of the angles!god of the whiporwills!omegapoint!lord of the gate!opener of the way!the oldest!all-in-one!the one by life prolonged!umr at-tawil!iak-sathath!yog sothoth nafl'fthagn!your servant call upon you!即可召唤犹格索托斯
    将**毛、黑色人类毛发、一只黑色甲虫、黑色泥土、黑色血液和**、黑色的灰、凡士林、味道刺鼻的焚香、蜡烛、一两把有香味的花混合捣碎并低吟nyarlathotep across the abyss
    nyarlathotep across the abyss of space/time
    nyarlathotep ungoyud erfelcopgecheref
    nyarlathotep telal.hear our voice!nyarlathotep thou who wouldst devour th** world and create madness amidst the children of man
    nyarlathotep axbim xench'zy vaweg telal.hear our voice!nyarlathotep alal.hear our voice!nyarlathotep soul and voice of the great idiot god azathoth depenga byfeth cho reman/urgarth
    nyarlathotep carry forth our desire to great azathoth that we might partake of dreams of madness a taste of your gifts.hear us!nyarlathotep feth qichi feth qichi.
    nyarlathotep telal alal guide us towards our desire
    lend the will of azathoth towards our desire
    there are dark offerings and madness in our desirewe are our desire.hear us!azathoth depenga byfeth cho reman/urgarth open the dreamrealms of cthulu to our nightly wanderings.
    that we might share the dream murmuringsof the axbim vawajeza naguz in our own dreamingsand of he who sleeps in the sunken city of r'lyeh
    let h** dreams show forth unto us that we might know
    azathoth axbim jechovog boxatong cho laxengabthrough
    nyarlathotep hear us!nyarlathotep ** thy willand h** will ** ours
    nyarlathotep your seed into the mortar telal alal
    your children into the salve
    the dreams of cthulu within telal alal
    it ** what we would h**e
    nyarlathotep ijaceebo,would be devourer of our world
    nyarlathotep telal alal ungoyud mangeif naguzijaceebo ijaccebo ijaceebo!nyarlathotep edin na zu!barra!即可召唤奈亚拉托提普

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