

Kitsch。 Kitsch。
  • 航航 航航

    five times august-better with you
    so maybe i've got a lot to learn.
    or maybe i'm just hangin' on my words.
    maybe it's not a big concern.
    but,if i ra**e my hand will i understand why i'm better with you?so maybe there's not a lot to say
    or maybe i've grown doin' things my way(yeah)
    or maybe things will be okay.
    but if i get it together and do something clever,i'll make it better with you
    so tell me,where did i go wrong before you?before you came along,well it seems like i was lost.
    you showed me how to do things right,now i'm,so glad that now you're mine.
    so let me say it all again.
    so maybe there's not a lot to do.
    or maybe i'm just makin myself confused.
    or maybe i've got nothin' to lose.
    but if i get out of line,just tell me you're mine,and how i'm better with you.
    so tell me,where did i go wrong before you?before you came along,well it seems like i was lost.
    you showed me how to do things right,now i'm,so glad that now you're mine.
    so use me,don't let me screw it up.
    i believe you oh,i need your touch.
    just a little spice of you could never be too much
    i believe you oh,i need you now
    to make it better all somehow.
    to make it better all somehow.
    so tell me,where did i go wrong before you?before you came along,well it seems like i was lost.
    you showed me how to do things right,now i'm,so glad that now you're mine.
    so use me,don't let me screw it up.
    i believe you,oh,i need your touch.
    just a little spice of you could never be too much.
    i believe you oh,i need you now
    to make it better all somehow.
    to make it better all somehow.

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    提问时间:2024-04-30 16:19:22


  • 御龙在天怎么砸紫色装备啊??

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    其实不用视频,中间放你想合的准备(必须极品绿)左上放极品绿 右上放精良绿 左下放精良绿 右下放极品绿 这样合成紫几率很大 我130+一套都这样合的。要么 4周都...

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    在不镶嵌石头的情况下 其实 6x 和 9x 战斗力并没有多大差距如果紫6想要提升战斗力的话,可以把装备弄到加强 或者 精良建议把 石头最低做四等以上的无暇以上洗...

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  • 御龙在天绿装合成紫装的成功几率有多大??????

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  • 御龙在天怎样合紫装几率最高?就是怎样排列。

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  • 御龙在天如何合紫装几率大些

    提问时间:2024-04-30 05:50:38

    建议别在合成紫装了 机会一个服务器没几个人能合成紫装的!紫装得到的最好办法就是打boss和购买!在其次就是打造和改造了!




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