
胖胖熊 胖胖熊
  • 明明 明明

    歌名:flora's secret
    lovers in the long grass
    look above them
    only they can see
    where the clouds are going
    only to d**cover
    dust and sunlight
    ever make the sky so blue
    afternoon ** hazy
    river flowing
    all around the sounds
    moving closer to them
    telling them the story
    told by flora
    dreams they never knew
    silver willows
    tears from persia
    those who come
    from a far-off **land
    winter chanterelle lies
    under cover
    glory-of-the-sun in blue
    some they know as passion
    some as freedom
    some they know as love
    and the way it le**es them
    summer snowflake
    for a season
    when the sky above ** blue
    when the sky above ** blue
    lying in the long grass
    close beside her
    giving her the name
    of the one the moon loves
    th** will be the day she
    will remember
    when she knew h** heart
    loving in the long grass
    close beside her
    wh**pering of love
    and the way it le**es them
    lying in the long grass
    in the sunlight
    they believe it's true love
    and from all around them
    flora's secret
    telling them of love
    and the way it breathes
    looking up from eyes of
    they can see the sky
    ** blue
    knowing that their love
    ** true
    dreams they never knew
    and the sky above ** blue




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