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    1750亿美元 太空梭计画从开始到完成的花费
    4亿5千万美元 每趟任务平均花费
    艾琳考林斯成为首位女性太空梭指挥官。space exploration seen as never before.
    narrated by award-winning actor gary sin**e,when we left earth ** the incredible story of humankind's greatest adventure,as it happened,told by the people who were there.from the early quest of the mercury program to put a man in space,to the h**toric moon landings,through the soyuz link-up and the first un-tethered space walk by bruce mccandless,th** ** how the space age came of age.the vivid hd series features vintage rushes and all the key onboards filmed by the astronauts themselves.the sequences are captured by cameras onboard the spaceships,enabling the series to tell the stories in a depth never seen before.
    ordinary superman
    nasa selects seven men to become the first astronauts.they're all test pilots,prepared to r**k their lives.no one has ever survived a vertical launch on top of a rocket,but it's the only way they know to put an astronaut into earth orbit.the mercury astronauts and engineers need to figure out how to launch a man into space on top of a converted intercontinental ball**tic m**sile.
    the explorers
    now that nasa has mastered the lunar round trip,they want to explore of the moon's mysteries.with apollo 13,they face their biggest cr**** in space-returning a damaged spacecraft back safely to earth.undaunted,nasa launches moon m**sions and a new lunar rover that allows wide-ranging lunar surface expiditions.apollo 17 ** the longest moon m**sion and the last time man would set foot on the moon for generations.in a new phase of the space program,nasa converts an unused saturn v rocket into skylab,america's first space-station.but by the time it reaches orbit it's badly damaged.for the first time,astronauts will h**e to work outside the spaceship to s**e the space-station.
    friends and **
    for project gemini,a new generation of astronauts arrive at nasa-their m**sion,to test all the procedures required to land men on the moon and bring them safely back to earth.each gemini m**sion launches two men into space,leading to some of nasa's greatest moments-ed white's spacewalk,the first orbital rendezvous of gemini 6 and 7.
    landing the eagle
    the apollo program ** set to achieve the ultimate prize of the space race,landing men on the moon.but a fire breaks out in the pressurized capsule of apollo 1,resulting in the deaths of gus gr**som,ed white,and roger chaffee.but nasa's astronauts and engineers turn tragedy into triumph with the first manned launch of the formidable saturn v rocket,lifting three astronauts into deep space for the first time.two m**sions later and nasa ** ready to land men on the moon in the ultimate test of america's spacefaring v**ion.
    the shuttle
    for its first 20 years,nasa launches capsules carrying a maximum of three people.but new requirements for a bigger cargo bay prompt a breakthrough in spacecraft design.the development of the reusable shuttle leads to a revolutionary approach to space tr**el,but somebody has to test fly it in space for the first time.that requires a true test pilot,john young,the man who sat alongside gus gr**som on the first gemini flight.nasa's manned programs are again leading the way,but space tr**el remains as dangerous as ever and tragedy again strikes nasa when the challenger explodes.
    home in space
    one of the most complex instruments ever built,the hubble space telescope ** expected to transform our understanding of the universe.but once it ** in orbit,nasa d**covers a serious problem,a defective main mirror that le**es hubble short-sighted.nasa sends a team of astronauts to fix the problem,but it won’t be easy.it ** nasa’s greatest and highest profile m**sion since the apollo era.it gives nasa the confidence to begin construction on the international space station.more astronauts are in space simultaneously than ever before.and despite the tragedy of columbia,nasa’s astronauts are pioneering the way back to the moon,mars and beyond.




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