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    约翰·富兰克林爵士(sir john franklin)是一位杰出的北海航海家,生平可以说非常的辉煌,是与库克船长、马修·弗林德斯船长同时代的人物。他出生于1786年4月,1801年参加海军,参加过著名的特拉法尔加海战,也曾参与过营救落难于**的英国水手的行动。但让他成名的还是北极探险行动。他的第一次探险是1819—1822年,北加拿大。他的队伍穿越了大奴隶海(great sl**e lake)的不毛之地,来到北极海岸铜矿河(coopermine river)河口,沿着东部继续探险了280公里。1823年他出版了一本描述此次探险北冰洋的书。下一个探险发生在1825—1827年。队伍穿越了麦肯色尔河(mackenzie river)并调查了北极海岸的另一条长河,向西到起点礁(return reef,位于**斯加巴柔起点「point barrow」260公里处),然后向东到铜矿河口,顺道去了大熊湖(great bear lake),并建立了富兰克林港(fort franklin,现在的déline市)。他的第二本书出版于1828年,详细记载了这次旅行。这两次旅行他都跟乔治·拜克爵士(sir george back)在一起。1836—1843年他在范·德蒙(fan diemen,如今的tasmania旧称)任总督。1845年他重新启程去探索西北航线。然而走后三年他仍然杳无音信,因此人们派出了至少四十个搜救队去营救。虽然地理知识匮乏,但是对他的行踪当时一直没有定论。然而在1853—1854年,约翰·雷(john rae)和在1857—1859年,弗朗西斯·麦克林托克爵士(sir franc** mcclintock)分别发现了大北极探险悲剧的线索。由弗朗西斯·麦克林托克主持的那次探险还带着富兰克林女士,发现约翰·富兰克林的船只被冻在维多利亚岛(victoria **land)和威廉国王岛(king william **land)之间。在1847年6月约翰遇难后,幸存者于1848年弃船向南走布希亚半岛(boothia peninsula)的不毛之地以期寻得人类居住点。然而,所有129个探险者,现已知全部罹难。最新的考古发现在1960年,富兰克林的日记仍在延续。franklin,sir john,1786–1847,brit**h explorer in n canada whose d**appearance caused a widespread search of the arctic.entering the n**y in 1801,he fought in the battle of trafalgar.on h** first overland expedition(1819–22)in n canada,h** party crossed the barren grounds from great sl**e lake to the arctic coast at the mouth of the coppermine river and explored eastward along the coast for c.175 mi(280 km).in h** narrative of a journey to the shores of the polar sea(1823,repr.1969),franklin describes th** journey.on h** next expedition(1825–27),the party descended the mackenzie river and surveyed another long stretch of the arctic shoreline,westward to return reef(c.160 mi/260 km from point barrow,alaska)and eastward to the mouth of the coppermine.by way of the coppermine he went to great bear lake,where he built fort franklin(now déline).franklin's narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the polar sea(1828,repr.1968)** an account of these feats.on both of these expeditions he was accompanied by sir george back.after serving(1836–43)as governor of van diemen's land(now tasmania),franklin set out in the erebus and the terror in 1845 to search for the northwest passage.when,three years later,no word from him had been received,there was d**patched the first of the than 40 parties that in the following years were to search the arctic for traces of the expedition.although the geographical knowledge gained by the searchers was immense,no certain clues as to franklin's fate were revealed until john rae,in 1853–54,and sir franc** mcclintock,between 1857 and 1859,found evidence of the great arctic tragedy.the latter expedition,fitted by lady franklin,found records at point victory that establ**hed that franklin's ships had been frozen in the ice between victoria **land and king william **land.after h** death in 1847,the survivors had abandoned ship in 1848 and had undertaken a journey southward over the frozen wastes of boothia peninsula toward civilization.of the entire expedition of some 129 men,not one ** known to h**e survived.relics and documents of the franklin party and of later search expeditions h**e been found as recently as 1960,and the quest for franklin's diaries ** still being continued.
    the statue of the great n**igator
    rear admiral sir john franklin
    who lost h** life in accompl**hing
    the d**covery of
    the north west passage
    ** erected by the colon**ts of tasmania
    in affectionate remembrance of
    their former governer;此大航海家雕像,
    爵士(knight commander)、王车(king's rook)、民法博士(doctor of civil law)、皇家学会会员(fellow of royal society)
    用以纪念他们的前任总督;born in april 1786.
    died in june 1847
    not here:the white north has thy bones;and thou,
    heroic sailor-soul,
    art passing on thine happier voyage now
    toward no earthly pole.

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