

天野草莓 天野草莓
  • 咱冶拦加货也腺 咱冶拦加货也腺

    超凡蜘蛛侠/the amazing spider-man(2012)
    替身 the double(2011)
    朝圣之路the way(2010)
    爱不胜防 love happens(2009)
    夺命手机/梯阵阴谋 echelon conspiracy(2009)
    flower in the gun barrel(2009)
    the lightkeepers(2009)
    afi life achievement award:a tribute to michael douglas(2009)
    the bell(2009)
    franz jaegerstaetter:a man of conscience(2009)
    the end of poverty?(2008)
    a soldier's peace(2008)
    dean and me:roadshow of an american primary(2008)
    the 60th primetime emmy awards(2008)
    hope not lost(2008)
    finding our voices:stories of american d**sent(2008)
    they killed s**ter dorothy(2008)
    chabad:to life telethon(2008)
    flatland:the movie(2007)
    对我说 talk to me(2007)
    the 12th annual critics' choice awards(2007)
    proving holiness(2007)
    confessions of an innocent man(2007)
    鲍比/五星级** bobby(2006)
    边境城市/边城小镇 bordertown(2006)
    无间道风云 the departed(2006)
    谁摧毁了电车?谁消灭了电动车 who killed the electric car?(2006)
    between iraq and a hard place(2006)
    死前必看的50片 50 films to see before you die(2006)
    the 58th annual primetime emmy awards(2006)
    ten days that unexpectedly changed america:the homestead strike(2006)
    the music of apocalypse now(2006)
    a million feet of film:the editing of apocalypse now(2006)
    the politics of 'the dead zone'(2006)
    usa the movie(2005)
    the 31st annual people's choice awards(2005)
    why shakespeare?(2005)
    on the line:d**sent in an age of terror**m(2005)
    james dean:forever young(2005)
    aleut story(2005)
    the 100 greatest war films(2005)
    告诉他们你是谁 tell them who you are(2004)
    the r**e of the celebrity class(2004)
    outfoxed:rupert murdoch's war on journal**m(2004)
    jerusalemski sindrom(2004)
    sex and the city:a farewell(2004)
    rebel frontier(2004)
    diary of a political tour**t(2004)
    rated 'r':republicans in hollywood(2004)
    learning to sea(2004)
    winning new hampshire(2004)
    helen's war(2004)
    happy birthday oscar wilde(2004)
    the nomi song(2004)
    the comm**sion(2003)
    milost mora(2003)
    absence of malick(2003)
    freedom:a h**tory of us(2003)
    ellen:the ellen degeneres show(2003)
    comedy central roast of den** leary(2003)
    hidden in plain sight(2003)
    get up,stand up(2003)
    all the presidents' movies(2003)
    逍遥法外/神鬼交锋(台)/捉智双雄(港)/猫鼠游戏 catch me if you can(2002)
    we the people(2002)
    the making of bret michaels(2002)
    the 54th annual primetime emmy awards(2002)
    when shoulderpads ruled the world(2002)
    straight up:helicopters in action(2002)
    rosy-fingered dawn:a film on terrence malick(2002)
    the west wing documentary special(2002)
    sudbina mi nije dala da odem(2002)
    the 59th annual golden globe awards(2002)
    **:cry of the snow lion(2002)
    男保姆 the maid(2001)
    7th annual screen actors guild awards(2001)
    the apostle paul:the man who turned the world upside down.(2001)
    biography charlie sheen:born to be wild(2001)
    soa:guns and greed(2001)
    heroes for the planet:a tribute to national geographic(2001)
    the 52nd annual primetime emmy awards(2000)
    money never sleeps(2000)
    枪战 gunfighter(2000)
    拦截暴风眼 storm(1999)
    chicken soup for the soul(1999)
    犯罪天堂路 dillinger and capone(1999)
    鬼爷爷 texas funeral,a(1999)
    第九大街 ninth street(1999)
    幻影**案 darklings,the(1999)
    失去与得到 lost&found(1999)
    监狱来的恶魔 letter from death row(1998)
    纪念碑大街 snitch(1998)
    意外之财 free money(1998)
    no code of conduct(1998)
    babylon 5:the river of souls(1998)
    危机大作战 voyage of terror(1998)
    沙德里奇 shadrach(1998)
    no code of conduct(1998)
    意外之财 free money(1998)
    痞子大逃亡 truth or consequences,n.m.(1997)
    魔鬼潜舰 hostile waters(1997)
    泰坦尼克号:解析灾难 titanic:an**y of a d**aster(1997)
    禁止降落/魔鬼计划 medusa's child(1997)
    an act of conscience(1997)
    croatia:land of 1,100 **lands&101 dalmatians(1997)
    corazón de.(1997)
    爱情边缘 entertaining angels:the dorothy day story(1996)
    the war at home(1996)
    crystal c**e(1996)
    the elevator(1996)
    marlon brando:the wild one(1996)
    ra**e the bamboo curtain:vietnam,cambodia,and burma(1996)
    the rosie o'donnell show(1996)
    spin city(1996)
    the war at home(1996)
    美国**the american president(1995)
    the break(1995)
    captain nuke and the bomber boys(1995)
    柏林大审判 judgment in berlin(1994)
    当树枝折断时when the bough breaks(1993)
    alive:20 years later(1993)
    br**ing alaska(1993)
    the king and i:recording a hollywood dream(1993)
    the making of 'getty**urg'(1993)
    a matter of justice(1993)
    my home,my pr**on(1993)
    late night with conan o'brien(1993)
    1968:the 25th anniversary(1993)
    希望之家 original intent(1992)
    the water engine(1992)
    the last p.o.w.?the bobby garwood story(1992)
    running wild(1992)
    the tonight show with jay leno(1992)
    the godfather family:a look inside(1991)
    黑暗之心 hearts of darkness:a filmmaker's apocalypse(1991)
    偷心男保姆 the maid(1991)
    冤狱 guilty until proven innocent(1991)
    jugosl**enska armija pomaze srpski terorizam(1991)
    pomozite hrvatskoj(1991)
    srpski vodovi smrti(1991)
    touch and die(1991)
    captain planet and the planeteers(1990)
    致命拦截 cold front(1989)
    **最前线 nightbreaker(1989)
    比佛利小子 beverly hills brats(1989)
    飞跃星际 beyond the stars(1989)
    致命拦截 cold front(1989)
    **最前线 nightbreaker(1989)
    cross over(1989)
    marked for murder(1989)
    the you know(1989)
    柏林大审判 judgment in berlin(1988)
    get out the vote(1988)
    walking after midnight(1988)
    纽约大怪谈 believers(1987)
    华尔街wall street(1987)
    情不自禁 siesta(1987)
    apocalypse pooh(1987)
    the china odyssey:'empire of the sun',a film by steven spielberg(1987)
    biography biography(1987)
    atocha:quest for treasure(1986)
    泰坦尼克号之谜 national geographic video:secrets of the titanic(1986)
    news at eleven(1986)
    samaritan:the mitch snyder story(1986)
    shattered spirits(1986)
    a state of emergency(1986)
    破碎的彩虹 broken rainbow(1986)
    consenting adult(1985)
    the fourth w**e man(1985)
    out of the darkness(1985)
    in the name of the people(1985)
    the atlanta child murders(1985)
    凶火 firestarter(1984)
    the guardian(1984)
    choices of the heart(1983)
    再死一次 the dead zone(1983)
    巴黎来的私生子 man,woman and child(1983)
    再死一次 dead zone,the(1983)
    冠军季节 that championship season(1983)
    i love liberty(1982)
    in the custody of strangers(1982)
    no place to hide(1982)
    entertainment tonight(1981)
    碧血长天 the final countdown(1980)
    现代启示录 apocalypse now(1979)
    eagle's wing(1979)
    circus of the stars#3(1979)
    a salute to american imagination(1978)
    卡桑德拉大桥cassandra crossing,the(1976)
    黑巷少女little girl who lives down the lane,the(1976)
    america at the movies(1976)
    sweet hostage(1975)
    the last survivors(1975)
    saturday night live(1975)
    the california kid(1974)
    劫后亡魂 the execution of private slovik(1974)
    the m**siles of october(1974)
    the legend of earl durand(1974)
    the story of pretty boy floyd(1974)
    穷山恶水 badlands(1973)
    columbo:lovely but lethal(1973)
    crime club(1973)
    letters from three lovers(1973)
    ** to my daughter(1973)
    when the line goes through(1973)
    love story(1973)
    那个夏日 that certain summer(1972)
    越战归来 welcome home,johnny br**tol(1972)
    no drums,no bugles(1972)
    pickup on 101(1972)
    goodbye,raggedy ann(1971)
    mongo's back in town(1971)
    the andersonville trial(1970)
    第22条军规/二十二支队/鸟龙疯狂大轰炸 catch-22(1970)
    then came bronson pilot(1969)
    medical center(1969)
    玫瑰怨 subject was roses,the(1968)
    titanic:an**y of a d**aster
    pat neal ** back(1968)
    hawaii five-o(1968)
    意外事件/纽约夜快车 the incident(1967)
    ten blocks on the camino real(1966)
    the f.b.i.(1965)
    the defenders(1961)
    naked city(1958)
    the edge of night(1956)
    the united states steel hour(1953)cadence(1990)
    then came bronson pilot(1969)**最前线 nightbreaker(1989)
    柏林大审判 judgment in berlin(1988)
    cbs schoolbreak special(1984)money never sleeps(2000)
    质量效应2 幻影人(2010)
    质量效应3 幻影人(2012)strawberry fields keeping the spirit of john lennon alive(2009)
    happy birthday oscar wilde(2004)
    红色警戒/狂林战曲(港)/细细的红线 the thin red line(1998)

  • dnf剑魂带什么装备最好

    提问时间:2024-05-10 05:46:33

    推荐你穿玛尔的**轻甲套装胸甲 物理防御1600左右,力量15左右 光剑精通1级肩甲 物理防御1000左右,力量10左右,硬直40腰带 物理防御500左右,力量...

  • 平民 武神带什么装备好 ?

    提问时间:2024-05-10 15:04:50

    拳套,做地灵 魂链 混异界(寸拳,闪电之舞),有点装备基础后做镇魂拳套强化随意武神基础物攻也很重要,有钱可以直接买(但平民还是自己做吧)!魔法石买个30属强的,...

  • 剑魂pk带什么辅助装备好?

    提问时间:2024-05-10 14:29:44


  • dnf85版本60平民剑圣带什么装备武器pk较好?

    提问时间:2024-05-10 13:41:55

    60级吗,如果有钱的话就去买一套55~60的cc 王者之心 悲鸣戒 还有狂龙之吼 武器就换短吧 好像60有送一个盒子开60粉的 pk很拽,本人81剑圣一套70的...

  • dnf70级剑魂带什么装备好 我平民

    提问时间:2024-05-10 17:08:50


  • 2014dnf阿修罗pk和刷图带什么装备好平民

    提问时间:2024-05-10 12:36:49


  • 地下城与勇士平民剑神pk带什么装备好,

    提问时间:2024-05-10 04:11:20


  • dnf平民红眼pk用什么装备好?

    提问时间:2024-05-10 17:33:22


  • pk装狂战平民 什么装备好用

    提问时间:2024-05-10 14:39:49

    龙鸣胸~el肩~斩重下身~500w左右拿下 墨竹没有就风蚀 要不凳子那个~戒子随便~洛丝的就不错 项链达芙妮吧 堆血用 称号王之风不错 有时间的话死神 不灭~

  • dnf平民pk弹**带 什么装备

    提问时间:2024-05-10 21:06:59

    弹**对装备 可以算是非常的轻松 并不要求你有什么强大的装备 毕竟pk时 所有装备和武器 都是以强10处理 哪怕你强1000 到pk场里 仍然强10 有了感电和...




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