csgo 怎么使用**和换库存武器

云淡风轻 云淡风轻
  • 火车是白色的 火车是白色的

    foster the people-pumped up kicks
    为表公平,采纳时候请以最先回答正确为准,谢谢!umped up kicks
    foster the people
    robert's got a quick hand
    he'll look around the room
    he won't tell you h** plan
    he's got a rolled cigarette
    hanging out h** mouth he's a cowboy kid
    yeah he found a six shooter gun
    in h** dad's closet in a box of fun things
    and i don't even know what
    but he's coming for you,
    yeah he's coming for you
    all the other kids with the pumped up
    kicks you better run,better run,outrun my gun
    all the other kids with the pumped up
    kicks you better run,better run faster than my bullet
    all the other kids with the pumped up
    kicks you better run,better run,outrun my gun
    all the other kids with the pumped up
    kicks you better run,better run faster than my bullet
    daddy works a long day
    he'll be coming home late,yeah he's coming home late
    and he's bringing me a surpr**e
    cause dinner's in the kitchen and it's packed in ice
    i've waited for a long time
    yeah the slight of my hand ** now a quick pull trigger
    i reason with my cigarette
    then say your hair's on fire you must h**e lost your wits yeah
    all the other kids with the pumped up
    kicks you better run,better run,outrun my gun
    all the other kids with the pumped up
    kicks you better run,better run faster than my bullet
    all the other kids with the pumped up
    kicks you better run,better run,outrun my gun
    all the other kids with the pumped up
    kicks you better run,better run faster than my bullet
    all the other kids with the pumped up
    kicks you better run,better run,outrun my gun
    all the other kids with the pumped up
    kicks you better run,better run faster than my bullet
    all the other kids with the pumped up
    kicks you better run,better run,outrun my gun
    all the other kids with the pumped up
    kicks you better run,better run faster than my bullet
    all the other kids with the pumped up
    kicks you better run,better run,outrun my gun
    all the other kids with the pumped up
    kicks you better run,better run faster than my bullet




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