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    兰花劫 pheonix r**ing 绝世双骄 ingeniou**eauty and the beast 神雕侠侣 the return of the condor heroes 天龙八部 demi-gods nad semi-devils 鹿鼎记 the duke of the mount deer 雪山飞狐 the flying fox of the snowy mountain 金装四大才子 the legendary of four aces 苗翠花 lady flower f**t 刑事侦缉档案 detective investigative files 妙手仁心 healing hands 烈火雄心 burning flame 陀枪师姐 armed reaction 鉴证实录 untraceable evidence o记实录 the criminal investigator 壹号皇庭 file of justice 按剧集主题意译类,比较抽象,这一类以经典时装剧为多:天地男儿 cold blood warm heart 大时代 the greed of man 美味情缘 a taste of love 宠物情缘 man's best friend 澳门街 return of cuckoo 我本善良 blood of good and evil 义不容情 looking back to anger 今生无悔 the breaking point 天地豪情 secret of the heart 按故事时间类:创世纪:at the threshold of an era 新上海滩 once upon a time in shanghai 金玉满堂 happy ever after 难兄难弟 old time buddy 难兄难弟之神探李奇 old time buddy-to catch a thief 另附:别恋:stolen love 兰花劫:pheonix r**ing 大唐双龙传:twin of brothers 美味情缘:taste of love 云海玉弓缘:lofty waters verdant bow 天涯侠医:the last breakthrough 血荐轩辕:blade heart 寻秦记:a step into the past yummy yummy:food for life 律政新人王:survior's law 憨夫成龙:square pegs 红衣手记:the white flame 无考不成冤家:let's face it **家族:greed mask 封神榜:gods of honour 锦绣良缘:colourful life 皆大欢喜:virtues of harmony 洗冤录:witness to aprosecution 庙街妈兄弟:street fighters 天子寻龙:whatever it takes 帝女花:per**h in the name of love 金牌冰人:better halves 卫斯理:the'w' files 美丽在望:not just a pretty face 冲上云霄:triumph in the skies 智勇新警界:vigilante force 黑夜彩虹:fate tw**ters 英雄刀少年:find the light 当四叶草碰上剑尖时:hearts of fencing 俗世情草:seed of hope 牛郎织女:the legend of love **风云:dicey business 流金岁月:golden faith 心花放:love bond 谈判专家:take my word for it 金枝欲孽:war and beauty 老婆大人:just love 桌球天王:the king of snooker 与敌同行:last one standing 火舞黄沙:the dance of passion 野蛮奶奶大战戈师奶:wars of in-laws id精英:the threshold of persona 巾帼枭雄:rosy business 珠光宝气:the gem of life 仁心解码:a great way to care 溏心风暴:heart or greed 溏心风暴之家好月圆:moonlight resonance 岁月风云:the drive of life 法证先锋:forensic heroes 学警**:emergency unit 少年四大名捕:the four 古灵精探:d.i.e 再生缘:eternal happiness 女人不易做:la femme desperado 东山飘雨西关晴:when easterly showers fall on the sunny west 和味浓情 wasabi mon amour 原来爱上贼:catch me now 疑情别恋:love exchange 尖子攻略:your class or mine 当狗爱上猫:when a dog loves a cat 师奶股神:money maker recipe 甜言蜜语:speech of silence 搜神传:legend of the demigods 秀才爱上兵:the gentle crackdown ii 毕打自己人:off pedder 两妻时代:marriage of inconvenience 学警出更:on the first beat 乱世佳人:war and destiny 够了吗?呵呵。




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