

是雕雕呀~ 是雕雕呀~
  • 车老板子 车老板子

    丁丁:it's over.
    船长:i thought you were an optim**t.
    丁:well,you were wrong,weren't you?i'm a real**t.
    船:that's just another name for a quitter.
    丁:you can call me what you like.don't you get it?we failed.
    船:failed!there are plenty of others willing to call you a failure.
    a fool.a loser.a hopeless souse!don't you ever say it of yourself.
    you send out the wrong signal.that ** what people pick up.do you understand?you care about something,you fight for it.you hit a wall,you push through it.
    there's something you need to know about failure,tintin.you can never let it defeat you.
    丁丁:what did you just say?船长:you hit a wall,you push through it.
    丁丁:no,no,no,you said something about sending out a signal.




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