
泰坦之旅 不朽王座

吉时小雨 吉时小雨
  • 小先森 小先森

    展开全部"the godfather"** a gangster capital**t society about the entire u.s.ground force systems dominate the control group the story of ups and downs in the story,** very vivid characterization.
    kao liang hero and h** son michael foresight resilient,ultimately get rid of their mortal enemy of the family business to reach their peak,even though i d**agree with their establ**hed set of so-called"underground order,"but out on the characterization of the novel heart of the kao liang respect to h** ground forces led by kao liang group ** mainly engaged in smuggling of imported olive oil from italy,opening casinos and so on.h** influence throughout the u.s.east and west throughout the crucial point in the various ** departments h**e him.he resourceful and eager to protect and support the people reverently dubbed him"godfather."he ** also responsive to the following,what it says,to win the people's fear.any thing,as long as he would secretly or openly a hand in the development and changes in accordance with h** will.he ** a true all-powerful figure in american society.in particular h** position and h** humility,combined with h** attitude of doing things that really awesome cool.** what he had done to h** family business success.
    another novel depicts the hero michael inherited h** father's right,he has amazing self-confidence,believe that their choice ** the best,i believe that even if he ** lying should be,and it ** correct,so that people can hide themselves well evil,even if he were to die bad,people still admire him,and still think he ** one of the best,he will not do evil things!even michael's wife did not believe he would kill,but he did kill,and with h** father's carefully cultivated ** certainly not live up.in our real life really ** the most powerful and such a terrible person,with indomitable fighting spirit,a deep reservoir of hatred in their hearts,waiting for a suitable time to carry out long-planned program.bear with the situation that only people can do great things,the novel h** first wife for h** death,even though he knows enemy's hiding place,and the ability to kill him,but he always wait until the last of the large-scale attack on the time.he and h** father are"good"men,at least in the kind of environment they are.
    a lot of **rmation that""the godfather"** a nature of american society,capital**t society,no fat,to **oid exposing the underground activities of work,"i do not know the author of the novel there ** no such meaning,at least i h**e not personally see h** own evaluation of the novel ** so,** not that they do not know the meaning out of nothing on the flurry of a pass,even if the meaning of th** true,that such a phenomenon reflected in the story in today's china,there ** no thing in it?our country ** not capital**t ah,the jungle,and certainly there.we all h**e to see the mainstream!reading th** novel made me realize that"no matter what kind of society can survive in the competition who ** strong,th** world has no absolute good or bad,in different societies ex**t only two kinds of people ** a good man in h** own eyes,the eyes of the enemy ** bad,because it had different interests,and conflict of interest,these things not only ex**t in a capital**t country,in any society there will be.

  • 泰坦之旅 不朽王座装备

    提问时间:2024-04-30 11:33:45

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