王者荣耀为什么要一直给露娜蓝 这个英雄拿蓝比露娜更


Sylvia若白 Sylvia若白
  • 花花 花花

    年份 片名 角色 1970 prologue allen 1976 king kong 金刚 1982 heidi's song gruffle 1983 deck the halls with wacky walls big blue 1984 voyage of the rock aliens 1359 gall**ants antonim gremlins mogwai
    gremlins 1985 robotix bigfoot and the muscle machines arthur r**enscroft rainbow brite and the star stealer murky d**mal
    castle monster
    slurthie 1986 voltron:fleet of doom commander james hawkins
    king alfor
    narrator heathcliff:the movie gobots:battle of the rock lords pincher
    stones my little pony:the movie grundle
    ahgg 变形金刚 optimus prime
    ironhide 1987 g.i.joe:the movie zandar
    nemes** enforcer
    scient**t 铁血战士 the predator 1988 yogi and the invasion of the space bears ranger roubideux rockin' with judy jetson gruff
    commander comsat
    bouncer 1989 vytor:the starfire champion myzor
    chief eldor 1997 pooh's grand adventure:the search for chr**topher robin eeyore 1999 seasons of giving eeyore 2000 the tigger movie eeyore 2001 mickey's magical chr**tmas:snowed in at the house of mouse eeyore 2002 a very merry pooh year eeyore 2003 piglet's big movie eeyore 2004 springtime with roo eeyore 2005 pooh's hef**mp movie eeyore pooh's hef**mp halloween movie eeyore 2007 变形金刚 擎天柱 2008 super sleuth chr**tmas movie eeyore 2009 tigger and pooh and a musical too eeyore 变形金刚:复仇之战 擎天柱 2011 变形金刚3 擎天柱 2014变形金刚4擎天柱 年份 片名 角色 备注 1962-1963 the jetsons additional voices 1967 the buddies commander bi bi latuque 1967-1968 the smothers brothers comedy hour announcer 1969 comedy cafe 1970-1971 zut!1971-1974 the sonny and cher comedy hour himself
    various characters 1974 the bobbie gentry show announcer the hudson brothers razzle dazzle show himself the sonny comedy revue himself
    various characters 1975 down home country luke warm 1976 the wolfman jack show 1979 the plastic man comedy/adventure show mighty man scooby-doo and scrappy-doo additional voices 1981 the kwicky koala show 蓝精灵 额外的配音 spider-man and h** amazing friends hulk
    mysterio 1982 the scooby&scrappy-doo/puppy hour lucky spider-man red skull meatballs and spaghetti pac-man sour puss the little rascals officer ed
    pete the pup 霹雳游侠 k.a.r.r.1983 monchhich** shreeker
    gonker the puppy's further adventures lucky the b**kitts dog foot
    scratch saturday supercade mario the dukes additional voices 1983-1985 亚空大作战 venger 1984 dragon's lair bertram heathcliff and the catillac cats additional voices 海底小精灵 additional voices 1984-1986 rainbow brite murky d**mal 1984-1985 alvin and the chipmunks additional voices 1984-1987 变形金刚 optimus prime
    ironhide 1984 voltron:defender of the universe coran
    king alfor
    narrator 1984 three's a crowd sports announcer
    airline captain ep**ode 1.6:vacation from sex
    ep**ode 1.8:the honeymooners 1985 the 13 ghosts of scooby-doo maldor the malevolent 机器战神 spoiler
    pincher muppet babies additional voices ep**ode 2.3:fozzie's last laugh the super powers team:galactic guardians felix faust ep**ode 1.6:brainchild/the case of the stolen super powers 1985-1986 大英雄 airborne
    zandar 1986 moondreamers various characters ep**ode 1.14:zodies on the loose rambo:the force of freedom sergeant h**oc ghostbusters eddie spenser,jr.the new adventures of jonny quest patch ep**ode 1.1:peril of the reptilian foofur baby my little pony captain crabnasty ep**ode:fugitive flowers 1987-1988 br**estarr dr.wh**ton
    hack ducktales admiral grimitz
    bankjob beagle
    mad dog mcgirk
    lessdred 1987 the little wizards various characters the real ghostbusters doctor destructo
    police officer ep**ode 2.4:captain steel s**es the day v**ionaries:knights of the magical light cindarr 1987-1989 宇宙奇兵 commander eagle
    nemes** 1988 dino-riders gunner
    bomba ep**ode 1.5:toro toro torosaurus 1988-1991 the new adventures of winnie the pooh eeyore 1988-1990 d**ney's adventures of the gummi bears kerwin the conqueror
    gritty 1988-1989 忍者龟 smash
    napoleon 1989 rude dog and the dweebs herman
    winston 1989-1990 救难小福星 monterey jack 1990 航空小英雄 additional voices ep**ode 1.6:it came from beneath the sea duck 1990-1993 小小汤姆与杰利 additional voices 1990-1991 widget the world watcher bob the poacher
    rooney kangaroo
    gdunu 1991-1993 the pirates of dark water mantus 1991 in living color ep**ode 2.26:dickie peterson:cherub of justice 1993 bonkers abominable snowman
    mackey mcslime 1994 hardball fox announcer ep**ode 1.6:lee's bad,bad day 2001-2002 house of mouse eeyore 2004-2005 超时空机器人传说 zanzoar
    klaar 2005 igpx:immortal grand prix narrator ep**ode 1.1:time to shine 2007-2010 my friends tigger and pooh eeyore 2009 knight rider k.a.r.r.2010-2013 transformers:prime optimus prime

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