《巨龙之战》选哪个种族 最强种族选择攻略

就这样吧 就这样吧
  • 蓝湛玩捉迷藏嘛 蓝湛玩捉迷藏嘛

    six practical reasons to s**e old buildings
    1.old buildings h**e intrinsic value.
    buildings of a certain
    era,namely pre-world war ii,tend to be built with higher-quality
    materials such as rare hardwoods(especially heart pine)and wood from
    old-growth forests that no longer ex**t.
    prewar buildings were also
    built by different standards.a century-old building might be a better
    long-term bet than its brand-new counterparts.
    2.when you tear down an old building,you never know what’s being destroyed.
    decade ago,the daylight building in knoxville was a vacant eyesore.a
    developer purchased the property with plans to demol**h the building to
    make way for new construction.
    however,following multiple failed
    deals to demol**h the building,the daylight went back on the market.
    dewhirst properties bought it and began renovations only to d**cover the
    building’s hidden gems:drop-ceilings made with heart-pine wood,a
    large clerestory,a front awning adorned with unusual tinted
    “opalescent”glass,and a facade lined with bright copper.
    beyond surviving demolition and revealing a treasure trove of
    details,the daylight reminds us that even eyesores can be valuable for a
    community’s future.
    3.new businesses prefer old buildings.
    in 1961,** activ**t jane jacobs startled city planners with the death and life of great american cities,in which jacobs d**cussed economic advantages that certain types of businesses h**e when located in older buildings.
    jacobs asserted that new buildings make sense for major chain
    stores,but other businesses–-such as bookstores,ethnic restaurants,
    antique stores,nei**orhood pubs,and especially small start-ups―thrive
    in old buildings.
    “as for really new ideas of any kind―no matter how ultimately
    profitable or otherw**e successful some of them might prove to be―there
    ** no leeway for such chancy trial,error,and experimentation in the
    high-overhead economy of new construction,”she wrote.“old ideas can
    sometimes use new buildings.new ideas must use old buildings.”
    4.old buildings attract people.
    ** it the warmth of
    thematerials,the heart pine,marble,or old brick―or the resonance of
    other people,other activities?maybe older buildings are just interesting.
    the different levels,the vestiges of other uses,the
    awkward corners,the mixtures of styles,they’re at least something to
    talk about.america’s downtown revivals suggest that people like old
    buildings.whether the feeling ** patriotic,homey,warm,or reassuring,
    older architecture tends to fit the bill.
    regardless of how they
    actually spend their lives,americans prefer to picture themselves
    living around old buildings.some eyes glaze over when preservation**ts
    talk about"h**toric building stock,"but what they really mean ** a
    community's inventory of old buildings ready to fulfill new uses.
    5.old buildings are reminders of a city’s culture and complexity.
    seeing h**toric buildings―whether related to something famous or
    recognizably dramatic―tour**ts and longtime residents are able to
    witness the aesthetic and cultural h**tory of an area.just as banks
    prefer to build stately,old-fashioned facades,even when located in
    commercial malls,a city needs old buildings to maintain a sense of
    permanency and heritage.
    6.regret goes only one way.
    the preservation of h**toric
    buildings ** a one-way street.there ** no chance to renovate or to
    s**e a h**toric site once it’s gone.and we can never be certain what
    will be valued in the future.th** reality brings to light the
    importance of locating and s**ing buildings of h**toric
    significance―because once a piece of h**tory ** destroyed,it ** lost

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