京门风月手游武士搭配什么暗卫好 暗卫搭配推荐


忆冷的猫 忆冷的猫
  • 迎接雨天 迎接雨天

    a sizable number of people who believe in jesus reject the yuletide traditions.why?they point to at least four reasons.
    first,they do not believe that jesus was born in either december or january.the bible does not give a specific date.it simply states:“there were also in that same country shepherds living out of doors and keeping watches in the night over their flocks.and suddenly jehovah’s angel stood by them,and.the angel said to them:‘.there was born to you today a s**ior,who ** chr**t the lord.’”—luke 2:8-11.
    facts point to jesus’birth at approximately the beginning of october when shepherds with their flocks would still spend the night in the fields.the countryside around bethlehem experiences the coldest weather during the months of december and january.hence,to keep them warm at night,flocks are herded into protective shelters.
    a second reason:the only event jesus specifically instructed h** followers to commemorate was h** death,not h** birth,and th** was to be done as a simple communion meal.(luke 22:19,20)note,too,that the gospels of mark and john are silent about jesus’birth.
    a third reason:there ** no h**torical evidence that the early chr**tians celebrated the birth of the chr**t.but they did memorialize h** death.(1 corinthians 11:23-26)it was not until than 300 years after jesus’birth that chr**tendom officially began to observe chr**tmas on december 25.interestingly,in the mid-17th century,an act of parliament banned chr**tmas celebrations in england.in the united states,the massachusetts general court did the same.why?the book the battle for chr**tmas,says:“there ** no biblical or h**torical reason to place the birth of jesus on december 25.”it adds that to the puritans,“chr**tmas was nothing but a pagan festival covered with a chr**tian veneer.”
    that brings us to a fourth reason:the uns**ory origin of the celebration itself.the roots of chr**tmas can be traced back to pagan rome with its mixture of festivals for honoring the agricultural god saturn and the sun god sol invictus,or mithra.anthropolog**ts chr**tian rätsch and claudia müller-ebeling,coauthors of the book pagan chr**tmas,write:“like many pre-chr**tian customs and beliefs,the old feast commemorating the yearly return of the sun was rededicated to the birth of chr**t.”

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