

职业彩票人 职业彩票人
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    习惯以 10 code 沟通
    这边把10 code po 出来给各位参考~
    10-00 officer down
    (ten-double zero)
    10-0 caution
    10-1 poor reception
    unable to copy
    10-2 good reception
    signal good
    ok for now,continue with status checks
    10-3 stop transmitting
    ok,no further status checks needed
    10-4 ** received
    10-5 pick up an item
    10-6 busy
    out at call
    10-7 out of service
    ending tour of duty
    10-8 back in service
    on duty
    **ailable for next call
    10-9 repeat
    code meaning(s)
    10-10 fight in progress
    out of service,off duty
    perm**sion to go on common channel(car to car transm**sion,rather than through d**patch)
    transm**sion completed
    welfare check
    other non-criminal event
    on break,subject to calls
    10-11 animal problem
    road-side check
    talking too fast
    alarm call
    en route
    10-12 standby
    v**itors present
    call in reports
    at scene
    check revocation
    10-13 adv**e weather/road conditions
    officer in need of ass**tance
    10-14 suspicious person/report of prowler
    convoy or escort
    10-15 civil d**t**ce
    pr**oner/suspect in custody
    check if vehicle stolen-people in or out rolling/stationary vehicle.
    10-16 domestic d**t**ce
    make pickup at_
    vehicle stolen
    10-17 meet complainant
    pick up **s at_
    urgent business
    vehicle not stolen
    en route
    10-18 urgent
    complete assignment asap
    anything for us?drunk
    10-19 return to_
    returning from scene
    return/enroute to station
    10-20 specify location/my location **_
    10-21 please call_
    phone call
    10-22 d**regard
    report to_
    send blood technician
    10-23 arrived at location/on scene
    stand by on th** frequency
    status check
    en route to call
    sex offense
    10-24 assignment completed
    trouble at station
    unit not **ailable
    direct traffic
    10-25 report to_
    please contact_
    officer needs help
    10-26 detaining suspect(implying"please expedite")
    check auto reg**tration
    d**regard last **
    phone residence
    10-27 request drivers license check
    vehicle reg**tration request
    i am moving to channel_
    10-28 request vehicle reg**tration check
    driver's license request
    identify your station
    m**sing person
    10-29 request arrests/warrants check
    time ** up for contact
    stolen vehicle
    10-30 unauthorized use of radio
    special check at_
    10-31 crime in progress
    domestic d**t**ce
    check for local warrants
    suspicious person
    10-32 person with gun
    fight in progress
    radio check
    check ncic
    dwi test
    10-33 emergency,all units stand by
    officer needs help
    d**t**ce at_
    10-34 riot
    frequency open(cancels 10-33)
    help needed
    trouble at jail
    correct time
    meet officer
    10-35 major crime alert
    confidential **rmation
    suspicious person
    10-36 correct time of day?confidential **rmation
    10-37 suspicious vehicle
    identify yourself
    wrecker needed at_
    time of day?10-38 stopping suspicious vehicle
    traffic stop
    ambulance needed
    station report sat**factory
    phone communications
    10-39 run with lights&siren
    your ** was delivered
    backing up_
    false alarm,prem**es were occupied
    contact officer
    10-40 run silent(no lights&siren)
    false alarm,no activity,prem**es appears secure
    please tune to channel_
    adv**e if **ailable
    suspicious person
    dead animal
    mental patient
    10-41 begin duty
    radio test
    intoxicated person
    debr** in street
    nei**or trouble
    10-42 end duty
    traffic accident at_
    malicious m**chief
    request d**patch times
    10-43 **rmation
    traffic jam at_
    request criminal h**tory
    pick up passenger
    armed robbery
    rescue call
    10-44 perm**sion to le**e patrol
    i h**e a ** for you
    transm**sion received
    traffic accident(no injury)
    10-45 animal carcass
    pick up officer
    drivers license/warrant check
    fire alarm
    fueling vehicle
    all units in range please report
    coffee break
    traffic accident(injury)
    non-injury accident(kentucky)
    10-46 motor**t ass**t
    motor vehicle accident(mva)
    lunch break
    fuel break
    injury accident(kentucky)
    10-47 emergency road repair
    d**orders and family trouble
    call home
    m**sing person
    drunk driver
    blood run
    license plate check(kentucky)
    10-48 traffic control
    request criminal h**tory
    runaway juvenile
    use caution
    10-49 traffic light out
    emergency,clear air
    en route to assignment
    bathroom break
    any traffic
    serving warrant
    10-50 accident often referred to as a 10-50 pd(property damage),a 10-50 pi(personal injury),or(rarely)10-50 f(fire or fatality)
    no **s
    break channel
    auto accident with property damage
    10-51 wrecker needed
    auto accident with injuries
    phone **
    10-52 ambulance needed
    accident with injuries
    fatal auto accident
    ** for assignment
    10-53 road blocked
    silent alarm
    10-54 animals on highway
    fatal accident
    silent pursuit
    car stop
    10-55 intoxicated driver or dwi
    security check
    ambulance call
    10-56 intoxicated pedestrian
    intoxicated driver
    warrant indicated
    arrived at scene
    10-57 hit&run accident
    intoxicated person
    officer at p**tol range
    10-58 direct traffic
    teleprinter **
    10-59 escort or convoy
    out of car checking violation
    bomb threat
    10-60 squad in vicinity
    traffic stop
    subject negative
    what ** next ** number?coffee break
    ass**t motor**t
    major emergency
    10-61 personnel in vicinity
    subject has record-not wanted
    stand by for cw traffic
    clear of traffic stop
    weather conditions?lunch break
    10-62 to **
    subject possibly wanted
    unable to copy,use phone
    check for r**ing water
    logged on/off
    10-63 prepare to copy
    subject positive
    make written copy
    net directed to ___
    need barricades
    10-64 local **
    subject wanted
    ** for delivery
    net clear,resume normal traffic
    field investigator
    10-65 net ** assignment
    ass**t officer re:10-64
    10-66 net ** cancellation
    subject in observation category
    bathroom break
    10-67 clear for next **
    subject ** parolee
    prepare to copy
    person calling for help
    all units comply
    10-68 d**patch **
    subject in charged category
    repeat d**patch
    switch channels
    10-69 ** received
    clear to copy transm**sion?any calls holding for me?sniper
    10-70 fire alarm
    fire followup
    net **
    chemical spill
    10-71 adv**e nature of fire
    10-72 report progress on fire
    10-73 smoke report
    10-74 negative
    10-75 in contact with.
    10-76 enroute to location
    fresh coffee
    10-77 eta
    10-78 need ass**tance
    major accident with injury
    request wrecker
    10-79 notify coroner
    bomb threat
    10-80 pursuit in progress
    bomb has exploded
    tower lights out
    on assignment
    10-81 breathalyzer request
    burgalar alarm
    stop for interrogation
    reserve hotel room
    officer_will be at your station
    at vehicle maintenance
    civil d**t**ce/riot
    10-82 reserve lodging
    stop for interrogation/arrest
    traffic signal out
    cover ass**tance
    10-83 work/school crossing detail
    call station
    units stop transmitting
    at radio shop
    officer in trouble
    10-84 adv**e eta
    checking officer status
    my telephone number **_
    broken utility main
    10-85 arrival delay due to_
    prepare to copy **
    my address **_
    loose livestock
    10-86 officer on-duty
    utility line down
    10-87 pickup or pr**oner transfer
    pickup payroll check
    dead body
    10-88 adv**e telephone
    station call
    special assignment
    true alarm
    10-89 bomb threat
    send radio repair
    officer at academy
    10-90 alarm going off
    bank alarm
    radio repair to be at station
    officer at headquarters
    false alarm
    officer in chief's office
    10-91 pick up pr**oner/suspect
    talk closer to the mike
    prepare your inspection
    vehicle fuel
    bank holdup alarm
    10-92 pa**ng violation
    your signal ** weak
    officer at court
    10-93 blockage
    please check my frequency
    10-94 street racing
    give me a long count
    10-95 pr**oner/suspect in custody
    transmit dead carrier for 5 seconds
    10-96 mental patient
    detain pr**oner/suspect
    10-97 arrived at scene
    test signal
    possible wanted person in vehicle
    known offender
    officer at court
    10-98 assignment complete
    pr**on/jail break
    criminal h**tory indicated
    officer at juvenile court
    10-99 warrants/stolen indicated
    officer needs ass**tance/held hostage
    m**sion complete
    unable to receive your signal
    bathroom break
    10-100 bathroom break
    m**demeanor warrant
    dead body
    hot pursuit
    10-109 **
    10-200 police needed
    **s,drugs involved
    10-600 livestock down
    10-1000 felony warrant
    11-10 take report
    11-24 abandoned vehicle
    11-25 road/traffic hazard
    11-26 inoperable vehicle
    11-41 send ambulance
    11-42 send paramedics
    11-44 possible fatality
    11-48 provide transport
    11-66 defective traffic light
    11-79 coll**ion has occurred;ambulance en route
    11-80 coll**ion w/major injury
    11-81 coll**ion w/minor injury
    11-82 coll**ion w/property damage only
    11-84 manual traffic control needed
    11-85 tow truck needed
    11-86 bomb threat
    11-87 bomb found
    11-98 meet
    11-99 under attack,immediate ass**tance required

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    可以自己做出的肯定是艾肯6件是最好的 远古的看职业 不过大部分都是选择 血色 假猪 深海 然后还有瘟疫的用来打异常伤害的,还有一个套装是用来加buff的具体名字...

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