

卖酒的老姑娘 卖酒的老姑娘
  • 楠西 楠西

    my name ** van,i am an art**t,i am a performance art**t.i am hired for people to fulfill their fantasies,their deep dark fantasies.i was gonna be a movie star.you know,modeling and acting.after a hundred and two additions and small parts,i decided.you know i had enough,then i got in to escort world.the client requests contain a lot of fet**hes,so i just decided to go you know.full master and change my entire house into a dungeon.dungeon master.eh now with a full dungeon in my house and it's going really well.f**ting ** 300 bucks and usually the guy ** pretty much high on top to get really relaxed you know and i h**e th** long latex glove that goes all the way up to my armpit and then i put on a surgical latex glove up to my wr**t and just lube it up and it's a long process you know to get your whole arm up there.but it's an intense feeling for the other person i think for myself too,you go in places that even though it's physical with your hand but for some reasons it's also emotional,it's psychological too.and we both get you know to the same place it's really strange at the same time and i find sessions like that really exhausting.




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