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    scotland the br**e 是一首赞美苏格兰的爱国歌曲。2006年6月,此首歌曲仅次于《苏格兰之花》(苏格兰国歌)获得在线超过10000选票成为最受欢迎的**非官方(民间)赞美诗的美称。同时在英联邦运动会中代表苏格兰。被认准为加拿大国防军不列颠哥伦比亚骑兵管夹带进行曲,在周五的**上播放。2006年曾为苏格兰皇家军团齐步军嗦采用。翻译得比较烂,见谅。歌词 lyrics
    hark when the night ** falling
    hear!hear the pipes are calling,
    loudly and proudly calling,
    down thro' the glen.
    there where the hills are sleeping,
    now feel the blood a-leaping,
    high as the spirits of the old highland men.
    towering in gallant fame,
    scotland my mountain hame,
    high may your proud standards gloriously w**e,
    land of my high ende**our,
    land of the shining river,
    land of my heart for ever,
    scotland the br**e.
    high in the m**ty highlands,
    out by the purple **lands,
    br**e are the hearts that beat
    beneath scott**h skies.
    wild are the winds to meet you,
    staunch are the friends that greet you,
    kind as the love that shines from fair maiden's eyes.
    towering in gallant fame,
    scotland my mountain hame,
    high may your proud standards gloriously w**e,
    land of my high ende**our,
    land of the shining river,
    land of my heart for ever,
    scotland the br**e.
    far off in sunlit places,
    sad are the scott**h faces,
    yearning to feel the k**s
    of sweet scott**h rain.
    where tropic skies are beaming,
    love sets the heart a-dreaming,
    longing and dreaming for the homeland again.
    towering in gallant fame,
    scotland my mountain hame,
    high may your proud standards gloriously w**e,
    land of my high ende**our,
    land of the shining river,
    land of my heart for ever,
    scotland the br**e.




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