楚留香有几个段位等级 **最常用的是哪一个段位

腮红大脸猫 腮红大脸猫
  • 给我的歌 给我的歌

    my school ** very beautiful.i like my school very much.there ** a big playground in my school.we h**e p.e.class on the playground and we often play sports on it,too.our teaching building has five floors.my classroom ** on the fifth floor.it ** big and clean.the computer rooms are on the third floor.there ** a library on the second floor.there are many books in the library.i often read books here.there are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building,too.
    the teachers in my school are very kind.the students are very polite and smart.i am happy in my school.




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