
3抠掩vC 3抠掩vC
  • 海棠未眠 海棠未眠

    《忏魂曲》(deliver me)的曲作者是美国人,据说曲成之时即是他的忌日,一首看似悉数平常的宗教赎罪曲,却导致**者数以千计。故又被命名为《恶魔曲》。我都没听过
    世界**曲,其中只有三首是真正的世界禁曲,分别是《忏魂曲》《黑色星期天》《第十三双眼睛》其余七首是网友推选出的,分别为《妹妹背着洋娃娃》、《天使的房间》、《嫁衣》、《**没有痛》、《a faker》、《没人能听见》、《他不知道》
    《忏魂曲》(deliver me)的曲作者是美国人,据说曲成之时即是他的忌日,一首看似悉数平常的宗教赎罪曲,却导致**者数以千计。故又被命名为《恶魔曲》。**者无外乎是最虔诚的教徒,他们向上帝忏悔自己的罪行的同时,又越来越不堪忍受痛苦的现实和生活给予自己的报应与惩罚,于是纷纷选择
    smelling the fragrance of blood,i find requiem hall
    a run-down scene,the specter of debauchery singing,
    black rosemary blooming vines meandering growth
    the soul looked,beliefs scarlet moonlight
    smelling the fragrance of blood,i find requiem hall
    long-haired vampire queen opened the dusty window
    the deadwood shadow as her face,pure,such as **age
    resentment of her voice,together with the souls of chant
    loved one,you remember i look like
    i demeaning the night,you sad
    smelling the fragrance of blood,i find requiem hall
    lounging on the statue in the d**tance,brokeback hidden in the side
    that ** the goddess of fantasy,with the middle finger to the direction of the
    small red flowers in her side,it ** a parad**e
    in front of an abyss,the river murmuring flowing
    blood,like the river,irrigation bloodthirsty desire
    it was the queen's soup plate,in full bloom deterioration soup
    she would cut off the neck of the flower,and asked whether it sad
    d**tant lover,ah,you remember i look like
    i was bleeding,you sad
    1requiem hall
    flowers there ** an appearance,in the quiet growth
    if there ** no quiet moonlight how could such a cool `
    the dilapidated grass d**tributing rotten fragrance
    beautiful elves in the palace secret wander
    they also m**s the grief who with memories
    vine winding man lush,hidden desire for revenge
    waiting for the day to come,like the taste of the soup to taste blood
    f**orite people,ah,you and me
    waiting for love to come,we were buried with
    smelling the fragrance of blood,i find requiem hall
    life wanton growth,lookout endless sorrow
    the flowers bow singing,singing undead advocates
    local memories must h**e lilies in bloom
    away juvenile backs,embedded in tearful orbital
    the love nobody blessing will not per**h
    some chose to cowardly,it was decided to be strong
    the blue melancholy river can wash past
    can someone stick did not forget everlasting agreement
    weak excuses and casual perfunctory stifle a beautiful flower
    that beautiful wilt become hurt into hate waiting into a bloody desire
    i want to find him regardless of whether he has changed appearance
    i will remember the look in h** eyes,once as perfectly clear
    i will remember h** vows,once as loud
    i will remember h** betrayal had so let me le**e the panic
    he had left with my gentle cold palm
    he will be very happy,because i blocked
    i am back to where i belong
    because of love,i g**e up again alone in the dark wander
    the poor queen and her flowers.
    the final choice alone drank a blood soup
    dear people,whether you're aiming for
    inadvertently reminds you once beautiful bride
    transferred to the moment of the gr**e of love,has come to mean the dem**e
    all lament,are the living,self-sentimental.[1-2]
    night comes too latem**s i m**s take-off flight night long and thinups and downs in my eyes i waited too long for too longthe shuttle in the birds of dawnthe inverse and the direction of the wind(i m**s her draughty wings).the thir**th pairs of eyes were used for sadbe lost in the night for methinking of you with flower petals,the windows don't knowi in your dream openthir**th pairs of eyes you are silent,i'm in your dream planted the seeds i knoware you in a dream to sing the songs of birds and i knowyou are parting tears but the thir**th pairs of eyesr**ing in corn fieldlight down through the night.i want to hear you sing to the dawn bird knows the blooming seasonin my dreams i tell you please forgive me slowlybecause the night will be out i want you to knowi hl open in your dreams i want you to knowyou are my dream and i want you to knowi am the night kings[1]
    它和《第十三双眼睛》,《忏魂曲》并称为世界三大魔(禁)曲。是被称为“魔鬼的邀请书”的歌曲。《黑色星期五》它诞生于1932年的法国,但在1945年被毁了,因为在这首歌存在的13年里,听过的人纷纷**,竟数以百计。**者留下遗书都说**是因为无法忍受这无比忧伤的旋律,此间还有无数的吉他,钢琴等艺术家弹过此曲后从此封手。作者死前深深的忏悔,他自己也没想到此曲会害死如此多的人.于是和欧洲各国联手毁掉了此曲。原版的《黑色星期五》是一首纯音乐,主要由钢琴伴奏。据说,听完的人,没一个能笑的出来。很多人患上精神**,抑郁症等等。你们听到的《黑色星期五》,都是网络谣传,其实是《忧郁的星期天》(英语:gloomysunday,匈牙利语:szomorúvasárnap),也译作《黑色的星期天》是匈牙利自学成才的作曲家赖热·谢赖什(rezső seress,1899-1968年)谱写于1933年的一支歌曲。据说,《忧郁的星期天》是赖热·谢赖什和他的女友分手后在极度悲恸的心情下创作出来的。由于歌曲中流露出慑人心魄的绝望神绪,数以百计的人在听了它后结束了自己的生命。这支歌遂被冠以“匈牙利**歌”的称号,甚至一度遭到了bbc等国际知名电台的**。但是,并没有实质法律文献、期刊和出版物能证实该**事件与《忧郁的星期天》有直接关系。所以啊!关于此曲的**说法仍然是谣传而已。还有一种说法:真正的《黑色星期五》这首乐曲早就绝迹了,它的原名叫《魔乐》,不是一个人,而是一群音乐**创作的。真正听过这首曲子的人没有一个生还,它利用的是次声波和其他手段来刺激大脑皮层神经,人的脑部和频率20hz的次声波能产生共振,这根本就不是你能用意志力来克制的。[1]
    《天使的房间》(room of angel)是mary elizabeth mcglynn演唱的一首歌曲,由山冈晃(akira yamoka)作曲,joe romersa和大和久宏之(hiroyuki ōwaku)填词。是恐怖生存类游戏《寂静岭4:密室》的主题曲。该歌曲在游戏中一共出现三次。第一次是在片头cg动画中(首次进入游戏时自动播放,或在标题画面中等待一段时间后播放)。该片头动画以room of angel的纯音乐版为背景音乐。第二次出现是在玩家完成了开头的序幕“约瑟夫的噩梦”之后出现的cg动画中,同样也是纯音乐版。该cg的场景是主角的房间,并且出现一些主要的制作人员的名单。第三次则是在辛茜娅·委拉斯开兹(cynthia velasquez)死在了南灰原地铁站的售票处内时奏响[2]。辛茜娅是游戏的主角亨利·汤森德(henry townshend)遇见的第一个角色。她是21圣礼中的第16个牺牲者,代号为“诱惑”的女子。死因是被利器刺死,胸口被刻上了“16121”的数字。此次的版本是由mary elizabeth mcglynn演唱的不完整版本。该场景是《寂静岭4:密室》的监制山冈晃最满意的场景。整首歌满溢着深深的哀伤、忧郁、暗黑的氛围。网上常有人将此曲误列入禁曲之列,并曲解歌词的意义,或随意捏造这首歌的背景故事,甚至有人误将此歌曲当成了《忏魂曲》(deliver me)。这首歌表达了一个被母亲遗弃的孩子(已经长大成人)在面对着逝世的母亲时的复杂心情。一方面,他对母亲一直忽视、排斥、遗弃他而感到憎恨;另一方面,他又深深地爱着他的母亲,即使她从来没爱过他,他为母亲献上了最后一曲催眠曲,送她离世;但同时,他又不会为她而流泪。与游戏联系起来,可以认为这是游戏中的大反派沃特·沙利文(walter sullivan)的角色歌。这首歌带有深深阴郁感。整首乐曲带来的感觉是黑暗、恐惧、肃穆,又带着唱诗一般的虔诚,有一种灵异,圣洁,幽怨,压抑的感觉。这首歌经常被认为是所谓“死亡歌曲”《忏魂曲》。可能是其感觉很像教堂音乐,又比较压抑的缘故。整首歌由强烈而缓慢的鼓点伴奏,使上述的感觉更加强烈。英文歌词
    you lie,silent there before me
    your tears they mean nothing to me
    the wind howling at the window
    the love you never g**e
    i give to you
    really don't deserve it
    but now there's nothing you can do
    so sleep in your only memory
    of me
    my dearest mother
    here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye
    it was always you that i desp**ed
    i don't feel enough for you to cry oh well
    here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye
    so insignificant
    sleeping dormant deep inside of me
    are you hiding away lost
    under the sewers
    maybe flying high in the clouds
    perhaps you're happy without me
    so many seeds h**e been sown in the field
    and who could sprout up so blessedly if i had died
    i would h**e never felt sad at all
    you will not hear me say i'm sorry
    where ** the light
    wonder if it's weeping somewhere
    here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye
    it was always you that i desp**ed
    i don't feel enough for you to cry oh well
    here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye.
    here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye.
    it was always you that i desp**ed
    i don't feel enough for you to cry oh well
    here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye
    here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye.
    it was always you that i desp**ed
    i don't feel enough for you to cry oh well
    here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye.
    here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye.
    it was always you that i desp**ed
    i don't feel enough for you to cry oh well
    here's a lullaby to close your eyes good-bye.

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