迷你世界驯服速龙的方法 怎么骑上速龙


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    1.you let go and i'm gonna h**e to jump in there after you.
    (on deck.rose ** crying and runs past jack who ** lying on a bench smoking.she climbs over the ship's railings and hangs on with her back to the ship about to jump into the sea.)
    jack:don't do it!rose:stay back!don't come any closer!jack:come on!just give me your hand and i'll pull you back over.
    rose:no,stay where you are!i mean it!i'll let go!jack:no,you won't!rose:what do you mean,no i won't?don't presume to tell me what i will and will not do.you don't know me.
    jack:well,you would h**e done it already.
    rose:you're d**tracting me.go away!jack:i can't.i'm involved now.you let go,and i'm gonna h**e to jump in there after you.
    1.你要跳的话,我也只好跳下去了。(甲板上。露丝哭着跑过甲板,被正躺在椅子上抽烟的杰克看到。露丝爬上船舷,背对着船站着,正要跳进大海。杰克:别这样。露丝:别过来!别靠近我!杰克:来,把手给我,我把你拉过来。露丝:不!站在那儿别动!我是认真的!我要跳了!杰克:不,你不会跳的。露丝:你说我不会跳是什么意思?别妄想跟我讲该怎么不该怎么的废话。你不了解我。杰克:你真想跳的话早就跳了。露丝:你在分散我的注意力。滚开!杰克:不行,现在我给卷进来了。你要跳的话,我也只好跳下去。(杰克开始脱鞋子。rose:don't be absurd.you'd be killed.
    jack:i'm a good swimmer.
    rose:the fall alone would kill you.
    jack:it would hurt;i'm not saying it wouldn't.to tell you the truth,i'm a lot concerned about that water being so cold.
    rose:how cold?jack:freezing.maybe a couple of degrees over.h**e you ever,uh,ever been to w**consin?rose:what?jack:well,they h**e some of the coldest winters around.i grew up there,near chippewa falls.i remember when i was a kid,me and my father,we went ice-f**hing out on lake w**ota.ice-f**hing **,you know,when you.
    rose:i know what ice-f**hing **!jack:sorry.you just seemed like,you know,kind of an indoor girl.anyway,i uh,fell through some thin ice,and i'm telling ya,water that cold,like right down there,it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body.you can't breathe,you can't think,at least not about anything but the pain.which ** why i'm not looking forward to jumping in there after you.like i said,i don't h**e a choice.i guess i'm kind of hoping that you'll come back over the railing and get me off the hook here.




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