
支狗子 支狗子
  • 中草药 中草药

    联机模式包括合作模式与挑战模式。名称 介绍合作模式玩家可以和网友一起游玩战役关与合作关。挑战模式玩家可以在挑战模式中创建房间,其他玩家加入后组成两个小组。两小组之间相互射击争夺分数。游戏结束后,分数较多的一方获胜。真实模式
    platinum trophy 赢得所有的奖杯,成为世界上最伟大的**手。win all other trophies to take your place as the world's greatest sniper 在贾扎拉驰骋
    the gazala gallop 完成任务1
    complete m**sion 1 奇迹墙
    wonderwall 完成任务2
    complete m**sion 2 穿越火线
    through the fire.完成任务3
    complete m**sion 3 没有避难
    no refuge 完成任务4
    complete m**sion 4 关键时刻
    in the nick of time 完成任务5
    complete m**sion 5 卧虎藏龙
    crouching tiger,hidden ratte 完成任务6
    complete m**sion 6 破坏人
    demolition man 完成任务7
    complete m**sion 7 病虫害防治专家
    pest control special**t 完成任务8
    complete m**sion 8 奥斯卡麦克
    oscar mike 转移100次
    relocate 100 times 让它去轰
    make it go boom 杀掉20个敌人所拍摄的**
    kill 20 enemies by shooting explosives 与朋友**
    sniping with firends 多人合作模式完成战役
    complete the campaign in co-op 上弹时间
    time to reload 军校学生难度完成游戏
    complete the game on cadet difficulty 普通士兵
    regular soldier 神射手难度完成游戏
    complete the game on marksman difficulty 坚硬如钉
    hard as nails **精英难度完成游戏
    complete the game on sniper elite difficulty 真正的**手
    true sniper 真实难度完成游戏
    complete the game on authentic difficulty 休闲阅读器
    casual reader 找到50%的战争日记
    find 50%of the war diaries 档案保管员
    archiv**t 找到所有的战争日记
    find all the war diaries 聚会
    the gathering 查找所有收藏卡片
    find all the collectible cards 筑巢本能
    nesting instinct 找到所有**手的巢穴
    find all the sniper nests 在黑暗中射击
    a shot in the dark 完成所有的远射
    complete all the long shots 什么是可选的
    nothing ** optional 完成所有的可选目标
    complete all the optional objectives 忠心耿耿的士兵
    dedicate soldier 任何难度完成战役100%
    complete 100%of the campaign on any difficulty 你会尝试任何一次
    you'll try anything once 每个模式下进行一次同个任务
    play 1 m**sion in each mode 托布鲁克的鬼
    ghost of tobruk 扫清山口而不惊动敌人(任务1)
    clear the mountain pass without alerting the enemy(m**sion 1)好了,好了,好了
    well,well,well 在加波罗恩每个井里隐藏个尸体(任务2)
    hide a body in each of the wells in gaberoun(m**sion 2)结束lein
    end of the 'lein' 找到并杀死来访的将军(任务3)
    find and kill the v**iting general(m**sion 3)我知道这会很难
    i fort th** would be difficult 到线人那而不被发现(任务4)
    get to the **rmant without being spotted(m**sion 4)你在那里
    i siwa you did there 使目标军官的死亡看起来像个意外(任务5)
    make the target officer's death look like an accident(m**sion 5)双击
    double tap 卡塞林山口5秒内弄坏2辆车(任务6)
    incapacitate 2 vehicles in kassserina pass within 5 seconds(m**sion 6)一石三鸟
    three birds,one stone 同一时间摧毁3辆**车(任务7)
    destroy all 3 bomb dumps at the same time(m**sion 7)漫漫长路
    long way down 把一个敌人扔下桥(任务8)
    throw an enemy off one of the bridges(m**sion 8)**点
    advantage:sniper 从**手的巢穴获取30杀
    get 30 kills from sniper nests 绝对没有90天奇迹
    definitely no 90-day wonder 获得军士的等级(11级)
    attain a rank of sergeant(level 11)当官的料
    officer material 达到的少尉军衔一(31级)
    kill 100 snipers before they see you 通过**
    hidden and dangerous 在他们看到你之前杀死10个**手
    complete a capaign m**sion without being seen 隐蔽和危险
    competitive streak 完全不被人发现的征战任务
    play 10 competitive mutiplayer matches 竞争
    competitive streak 进行10次多人竞赛模式
    play 10 competitive mutiplayer matches 致敬鲁布戈德堡
    an ode to rube goldberg 连锁反应**杀死20次
    get 20 chain reaction explosive kills 标记
    tagged 标记100个敌人或车辆
    tag 100 enemies or vehicles 这是我的来福.
    th** ** my rifle 定制1把来福
    customize 1 rifle 准备不测
    prepare for any eventuality 创建并保存4套**
    create and s**e 4 loadouts 这些都是我心爱的东西
    these are few of my f**ourite things 用每个杀伤武器消灭一个敌人
    get a kill with each offensive item 战术牵张
    tactical d**tractor 用火石或岩石分散20个敌人注意力
    d**tract 20 enemies with flint or rocks 等待它
    wait for it 用火石触发**杀死10个敌人
    kill 10 enemies with flint-triggered detonations 加倍的距离
    double the d**tance 在双重马拉松的累积距离**敌人
    snipe enemies over a cumulative d**tance of a double marathon 节约氧气
    conserving oxygen 屏住呼吸一小时
    hold your breath for an hour 普通人
    the everyman 完成所有挑战任务
    complete all the challenge m**sions 高度装饰
    highly decorated 多人竞争模式获取一个项链
    earn 1 of every ribbon in competitive mutiplayer 坚不可摧的
    indestructible 损失超过500个单位的生命后完成任务
    complete a m**sion after losing over 500 units of health 成就名称(dlc)达成条件威胁评估
    threat assessment 观察目标并正确的选择射杀与否
    observe the target and correctly correctly choose to le**e or kill 流弹
    sweating bullets 射杀目标
    shoot and kill the target 正中央
    in the middle 用链环**杀掉目标
    kill the target with a chain reaction 方便才是关键
    convenience ** key 射击旁边的**物击杀目标
    kill the target by shooting nearby explosive barrels 被钟拯救
    s**ed by the bell 用钟砸死目标
    crush the target with a bell 你跑不掉的
    no escape 通过射击目标的载具弱点杀掉目标
    kill the target in the vehicle by shooting its weakspot 掷弹兵
    grenadier 用一发**炸死目标
    kill the target with a grenade 快速的移动目标
    fast-moving target 在目标的车里射杀他
    shoot the target in h** car 死透了
    and stay dead!用七种不同的方式杀掉目标
    kill the target in 7 different ways 查理先生
    herr charles 在会面中射中官员的**完成击杀
    kill the officer at the meeting with a testicle shot 查理的挑战
    charlie's challenge 100外击中敌人**
    get a testicle-shot from over 100m away 惊喜!surpr**e surpr**e 完成“在阴影中”
    complete 'in shadows' 隐藏于阴影之中
    living in the shadows 在没被发现和**的情况下到达指挥帐篷
    get to the command tent unseen and without killing anyone 一无所有
    nothing to lose 在不使用治疗道具的情款下完成任务
    complete the m**sion without using any healing items 射击到手发抖
    shoot to thrill 在射击场在分数上打败raubvogel
    beat raubvogel's score on the shooting range t.n.t.
    t.n.t.摧毁所有在卡车车厂的所有 teufelsfeuer **
    destroy all the teufelsfeuer shipments in the truck depot 融化
    meltdown 完成“怪兽的肚子”关卡
    complete 'belly of the beast' 视觉盛宴
    feast your eyes 触发前,发现并摧毁敌人4个陷阱
    spot and destroy 4 enemy traps without triggering them.血腥而又迅速
    blood and thunder 杀死体育场内所有的火箭士兵
    kill the teufelsfeuer soldiers in the col**eum 猎手
    the hunter 通过潜行近战**一名**手
    eliminate a sniper with a stealth takedown 枯骨峡谷
    dry bone valley 完成“对抗”关卡
    complete 'confrontation'

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