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    黑客网络hacknet你会玩了吗?小伙伴们是不是正在为看不懂英文而烦恼呢,不要烦恼,今日小编为大家带来最全的新手指南,全中文翻译哦,感兴趣的玩家赶紧来看看吧!basic tips 基础窍门
    important*some computers/servers may h**e different names on them,but what you need to do should be the same.just follow the steps,you will be fine.
    非常重要*有些电脑/服务器可能有不同的名字,但你所要做的应该相同。遵循如下步骤,您就不会有问题。don't abandon any m**sions atm!it will most likey cause serious problems and make you unable to fin**h the game!眼下,*请勿*放弃任何任务!这很可能导致严重问题并最终无法完成游戏,毁掉您的存档!1,type commands as soon as possible.
    2,delete logs when you d**connect.
    3,you need to almost every time you fin**h a m**sion.
    4,always use"scan network"option when you successfully hack a computer.
    5,don't delete/rename files unnecessarily.!6,use auto-complete for commands and file names.(tab key)
    7,always use"admin""alpine"to log in to any eos devices.
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    结果就是250。(我才不是250呢!troubleshooting common problems
    q,i don't get an email to start a new m**sion!what do i do now!a,make sure to check following things:
    1,your previous m**sion has fin**hed.(click"reply"in the email for it and see if"m**sion incomplete"** shows up.)
    2,you don't h**e any **ailable m**sions in your current faction's contracts server.(or the ** board if you're wo**ng on/el m**sions.)
    3,restart your game and your problem ** still there.
    q:我得不到开始新任务的邮件!我该怎么办!a:出门检查您的邮筒(划掉)。请确认您已检查过以下条件。1.你上一个的任务已完成。[尝试点按邮件中的“reply”(回复)看会不会出现“m**sion incomplete”(任务未完成)。2.在您现在所处的派系(entropy,csec,…)没有可用的任务,或者
    在/el任务里信息板上没有任务。3.重启游戏问题仍存在。for"gg wp"from naix,you need to revenge naix before you start any new entropy m**sion.details in"naix m**sions"section below.
    对于naix的“友善问好”,你要在完成entropy任务*之前*对naix报仇。下面的“naix任务”一栏会给您帮助。if none of these helps you,you might h**e had a critical bug.the devs are wo**ng on an update to fix many bugs,so wait for it.meanwhile,you still can try 2 options:
    1,editing your s**e data(here's the link:http:// http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=500893610 be super careful with your s**edata.)
    2,start a new session(th** ** much easier.you also can work on achievements that you m**sed.)
    2.再开个存档。(不仅简单多了,还可以去做您以前忽略的成就。q,i don't h**e the necessary exe file to do th** m**sion!ugghhhh
    a,here ** the l**t of exe files,and in which m**sion you can find them.use"ctrl+f"on th** guide and search for them.
    q.我怎么没有做任务所需的工具!啊啊啊!a.这是exe文件列表及其来源,用"ctrl+f"在这指南里搜索一下。securitytracer.exe-"first contact",or on"credit server"after you fin**h the game.
    sshcrack.exe(for port 22)-"getting some tools together
    ftpbounce.exe(for port 21)-"welcome
    eosdevicescan.exe(for finding eos device)-"eos device scanning
    smtpoverflow.exe(for port 25)-"aggression must be pun**hed
    webserverworm.exe(for port 80)-"*revenging naix*",or"csec invitation
    sqlbufferoverflow.exe(for port 1433)-"-shrine of polar star-
    sql_memcorrupt.exe(for port 1433)-"csec invitation-congratulations
    decypher.exe(for decrypting files)-"ghosting the vault
    dechead.exe(for analyzing.dec files)-"through the spyglass
    kbt_porttest.exe(for port 104)-"project junebug
    tracekill.exe(for freezing traces)-"bit-foundation
    sequencer.exe(for the final hacking)-"bit-termination
    clock.exe(um.just a clock app)-read"-finding clock.exe-
    securitytracer.exe(安全追踪程序)-来自"first contact"(第一次沟通),或在完成游戏时的"credit server"(荣誉服务器)上。sshcrack.exe(ssh协议**器)(适用端口 22)-"getting some tools together"(收集些工具)
    eosdevicescan.exe(eos设备搜寻器)(适用寻找eos设备)-"eos device scanning"(搜寻eos设备)
    smtpoverflow.exe(邮件过载**器)(适用端口25)-"aggression must be pun**hed"(侵略者必将受惩处)
    webserverworm.exe(网络蠕虫**器)(适用端口80)-"*revenging naix*"(向naix复仇 译者:这不是一个官方给出的任务名,我没记错的话。or"csec invitation"(csec诚邀您到来)
    sqlbufferoverflow.exe(sql内存缓冲区过载**器)(适用端口1433)-"-shrine of polar star-"(北极星圣地)
    sql_memcorrupt.exe(sql_内存错误**器)(for port 1433)-"csec invitation-congratulations"(csec邀请-祝贺!(译者:根据另一个指南,这两个sql**器完全一样。decypher.exe(解密器)(适用解密文件)-"ghosting the vault"[拱顶鬼神?dechead.exe(十六进制文件头查看器/加密文件查看器?(适用分析加密文件)-"through the spyglass"(通过望远镜)
    kbt_porttest.exe[kbt端口测试器(其实也是**器。(适用端口104)-"project junebug"(junebug项目)
    clock.exe(钟)(hmm…只是个钟的软件)-read"-finding clock.exe-"(敬参阅“寻找‘clock.exe’”)
    for kbt_porttest.exe,you can try th** method if you don't get"project junebug"unlocked,or m**takenly abandoned it.thank you,elsarild!对于kbt_porttest.exe,若您没有解锁“junebug项目”,或失误取消了这个任务,可以试试这个方法。谢谢您,elsarild!http:// http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=500893610
    q,i can't use th** command somehow!fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
    a,make sure to check if you already h**e the necessary exe for the command,then try typing commands like below:
    a,确认您已具备所需的软件,然后根据以下范例输入命令。译者:hacknet的命令似乎更接近linux。command template-example
    命令 样板-范例
    scp[the file's name]-scp index.html
    connect[the ip address]-connect
    cd[the folder path]-cd/log
    replace[the file's name]"[target words]""[your words]"-replace template.txt"[first_name]""john
    (if you use"cat"and open the file,you can use 'replace"[first_name]""john"' instead.use the full command above if you get"assuming active flag file"error.)
    decypher[the file's name][its password]-decypher naix_secrets.dec d1cks
    dechead[the file's name]-dechead naix_private_photos.dec
    mv[target's name][new name]-mv template.txt boorman_john[111]
    scp(文件传输)[the file's name(文件名)]-scp index.html
    connect(连接)[the ip address(ip地址)]-connect
    cd(改变目录)[the folder path(文件地址)]-cd/log
    replace(替换)[the file's name(文件名)]"[target words(文件中目标文字)]""[your words(你想要替代它的文字)]"-replace template.txt"[first_name]""john
    [若您使用cat打开文件,你可以使用以下命令:“replace"[first_name]""john"”,若得到"assuming active flag file"(译者:我对这句实在没辙…抱歉…)错误则打全整条命令。decypher[the file's name(文件名)][its password(其密码,有时没有)]-decypher naix_secrets.dec d1cks
    mv(移动)[target's name(目标文件名)][new name(新名)]-mv template.txt boorman_john[111]

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