

梁小猫 梁小猫
  • 无2旺旺 无2旺旺

    a3 anytime,anywhere,any place
    aak asleep at keyboard
    aap always a pleasure
    adn any day now
    afaik as far as i know
    afk away from keyboard
    aka also known as
    amof as a matter of fact
    asl age/sex/location
    asla age/sex/location/**ailability
    atb all the best
    atm at the moment
    awc after a while crocodile
    aydy are you done yet?aysos are you stupid or something?ays are you serious?ayt are you there?aytmtb and you're telling me th** because
    b back
    b2w back to work
    b/f boyfriend
    b4 before
    b4n bye for now
    bag busting a gut
    ba bad arse
    bak back at keyboard
    bau business as usual
    bbiab be back in a bit
    bbiam be back in a minute
    bbl be back later
    bbn bye,bye now
    bc because
    bf best friend
    bffl best friends for life
    bg big grin
    bgwm be gentle with me
    bhl8 be home late
    bib boss ** back
    bif before i forget
    bion believe it or not
    bol best of luck
    booms bored out of my skull
    bosmkl bending over smacking my knee laughing
    brb be right back
    brd bored
    bta but then again
    btdt been there,done that
    btw by the way
    bytm better you than me
    cb coffee break
    cmb call me back
    cmiiw correct me if i'm wrong
    c/p cross post
    crbt crying really big tears
    csg chuckle,snicker,grin
    csl can't stop laughing
    cu see you
    cula see you later alligator
    cul8r see you later
    cumid see you in my dreams
    curlo see you round like a donut
    cwot complete waste of time
    cye check your e-mail
    cyo see you online
    diik darned if i know
    diku do i know you?dkdc don't know,don't care
    dl download
    dltbbb don't let the bed bugs bite
    dm doesn't matter
    dnc i do not understand(does not compute)
    d00d dude
    dqmot don't quote me on th**
    dts don't think so
    dur do you remember?dv8 deviate
    e ecstasy
    e1 everyone
    e123 easy as one,two,three
    e2eg ear to ear grin
    eg evil grin
    eod end of d**cussion
    eol end of lecture
    eom end of **
    eot end of transm**sion
    ewg evil wicked grin(in fun,teasing)
    ez easy
    f2f face to face
    fbm fine by me
    fc fingers crossed
    ficcl frankly i couldn't care a less
    fomcl falling off my chair laughing
    fubb fouled up beyond belief
    fwiw for what it's worth
    fyeo for your eyes only
    fya for your amusement
    fyi for your **rmation
    g grin
    g/f girlfriend
    g2cu good to see you
    g2g got to go
    g2r got to run
    ga go ahead
    gal get a life
    gas got a second?gb goodbye
    gfi go for it
    gf girl friend
    gg gotta go
    ggp got to go pee
    gl good luck
    gn good night
    gnsd good night,sweet dreams
    goi get over it
    gol giggling out loud
    gr8 great
    gratz congratulations
    gtg got to go
    h8 hate
    h&k hugs&k**ses
    hand h**e a nice day
    hb hurry back
    hoas hold on a second
    hru how are you?hth hope th** helps
    hub head up butt
    hw homework
    i2 i too(me too)
    iac in any case
    ic i see
    icam i couldn't agree icbw it could be worse
    idk i don't know
    idts i don't think so
    ilu i love you
    ily i love you
    imho in my humble opinion
    imo in my opinion
    ims i am sorry
    iow in other words
    irl in real life
    iwiam idiot wrapped in a moron
    iyo in your opinion
    iyss if you say so
    jam just a minute
    jff just for fun
    jic just in case
    jk just kidding
    jlmk just let me know
    jmo just my opinion
    jtlyk just to let you know
    jw just wondering
    k okay
    kk knock,knock
    kk okay,okay!kb keyboard
    keya i will key you later
    keyme key me when you get in
    kfy k**s for you
    kotc k**s on the cheek
    kotl k**s on the lips
    knim know what i mean?kpc keeping parents clueless
    ks kill then steal(online gaming)
    l2g like to go?l2k like to come
    l33t elite
    l8r later
    l8rg8r later,gator
    lh6 let's h**e sex
    lic like i care
    lmao laughing my arse off
    lmirl lets meet in real life
    lmk let me know
    lol laughing out loud
    lolo lots of love
    lqtm laughing quietly to myself
    ltd living the dream
    ltns long time no see
    ly love you
    lysm love you so much
    m8 mate
    mc merry chr**tmas
    mego my eyes glaze over
    meh shrug
    mehh sigh
    mtf to follow
    muah multiple unsuccessful attempts(at/to)humor
    musm m**s you so much
    myob mind your own business
    n00b newbie
    n1 nice one
    n2m nothing too much
    nalopkt not a lot of people know that
    nana not now,no need
    nbd no big deal
    ne any
    ne1 anyone
    nfm none for me/not for me
    nifoc naked in front of computer
    nigi now i get it
    nm never mind
    no1 no one
    noyb none of your business
    np no problem
    oatus on a totally unrelated subject
    oic oh,i see
    oj only joking
    om oh,my
    omdb over my dead body
    omg oh my god
    omgyg2bk oh my god,you got to be kidding
    omw on my way
    ooc out of character
    ooh out of here
    ootd one of these days
    ooto out of the office
    op on phone
    orly oh really?otb off to bed
    otfl on the floor laughing
    otl out to lunch
    otoh on the other hand
    otp on the phone
    ott over the top
    oyo on your own
    paw parents are watching
    pcm please call me
    pdh pretty darn happy
    pdq pretty darn quick
    peeps people
    pip peeing in pants(laughing hard)
    pita pain in the arse
    pl8 plate
    plmk please let me know
    pls please
    plu people like us
    plz please
    pm private **
    pmfi pardon me for interrupting
    pov point of view
    ppl people
    pron pornography
    psp playstation portable
    ptmm please tell me pxt please explain that
    pu that stinks!puks pick up kids
    q queue
    qik quick
    ql quit laughing
    qq(qq)crying eyes
    qq quickquestion
    qt cutie
    qtpi cutie pie
    rl real life
    rly really
    rme rolling my eyes
    rmlb read my lips baby
    rofl rolling on floor laughing
    roflcopter rolling on floor laughing and spinning around
    roflmao rolling on the floor,laughing my arse off
    rotfl rolling on the floor laughing
    rotfluts rolling on the floor laughing unable to speak
    rsn real soon now
    rtbs reason to be single
    rtms read the manual,stupid
    rtsm read the stupid manual
    ru are you?rumof are you male or female?rut are you there?ruok are you okay?rys read your screen
    rys are you single?s
    s2s sorry to say
    sal such a laugh
    **t sorry 'bout that
    sc stay cool
    sdmb sweet dreams,my baby
    sete smiling ear-to-ear
    sfaik so far as i know
    sh same here
    sh^shut up
    shid slapping head in d**gust
    sig2r sorry,i got to run
    simyc sorry i m**sed your call
    s** snickering in silence
    sit stay in touch
    sk8ng skating
    sk8r skater
    slap sounds like a plan
    smhid scratching my head in d**belief
    snert snot nosed egot**tical rude **ager
    so significant other
    soab son of a **
    sol sooner or later
    somy sick of me yet?sorg straight or gay?sos help
    sot short of time
    sotmg short of time,must go
    spst same place,same time
    spto spoke to
    sry sorry
    ss so sorry
    ssdd same stuff,different day
    ssif so stupid it's funny
    ssinf so stupid it's not funny
    st&d stop texting and drive
    stfu shut the fuck up
    str8 straight
    stw search the web
    suitm see you in the morning
    sul see you later
    sux it **s
    swak sent(or sealed)with a k**s
    swalk sent(or sealed)with a loving k**s
    swl screaming with laughter
    swmbo she who must be obeyed
    syl see you later
    sys see you soon
    t think positive
    t4bu thanks for being you
    t:)t think happy thoughts
    ta thanks a lot
    tafn that's all for now
    tank very strong
    tam tomorrow a.m.
    tau thinking about you
    taumualu thinking about you m**s you always love you
    tbc to be continued
    tbd to be determined
    tbh to be honest
    tbl text back later
    tc take care
    tcoy take care of yourself
    tdtm talk dirty to me
    tfs thanks for sharing
    thx thanks
    tht think happy thoughts
    tiad tomorrow ** another day
    tic tongue-in-cheek
    tlk2ul8r talk to you later
    tl too long
    tmb text me back
    tmi too much **rmation
    tmot trust me on th**
    tmth too much to handle
    tmwfi take my word for it
    toj tears of joy
    tou thinking of you
    toy thinking of you
    tpm tomorrow p.m.
    tsnf that's so not fair
    ttfn ta ta for now
    tttt these things take time
    tu thank you
    ttyl talk to you later
    ttys talk to you soon
    ty thank you
    tyvm thank you very much
    urs up yours
    udi unidentified drinking injury
    udm you da man
    ufb un fucking believable
    ufn until further notice
    ugtbk you've got to be kidding
    u** not politically correct
    ur your/you're
    ura*you are a star
    urh you are hot(u r hot)
    usu usually
    uw you're welcome
    vbs very big smile
    veg very evil grin
    vm voice mail
    vn very nice
    vsf very sad face
    w3 www (web address)
    w8 wait
    wah wo**ng at home
    waj what a jerk
    wam wait a minute
    wayf where are you from?wb welcome back
    wbu what about you?wca who cares anyway
    we whatever
    wep weapon
    wh5 who,what,when,where,why
    wibni wouldn't it be nice if
    wdyt what do you think?wiifm what's in it for me?witw what in the world
    wrt with regard to
    w/o without
    wombat waste of money,brains and time
    wtb wanted to buy
    wtg way to go
    wu what's up?wuciwug what you see ** what you get
    wuf where are you from?wup what's up?wyd what(are)you doing?wygam when you get a minute
    wyham when you h**e a minute
    wylei when you least expect it
    x k**s
    x!typical woman
    xme excuse me
    xlnt excellent
    xyl ex-young lady,meaning wife(from amateur radio)
    y?why?y2k you're too kind
    yarly ya,really?ybs you'll be sorry
    ycliu you can look it up
    ycmu you crack me up
    yf wife
    ygtbkm you've got to be kidding me
    ygg you go girl
    yiu yes,i understand
    ykwycd you know what you can do
    ynk you never know
    yr yeah right
    ysyd yeah sure you do
    yt you there?yw you're welcome
    yyssw yeah,yeah,sure,sure,whatever
    z zs are calling(going to bed/sleep)
    zh sleeping hour
    zot zero tolerance
    zup what's up?zzz sleeping(or bored)




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