
豚命CarlHe 豚命CarlHe
  • 瘦腿先生 瘦腿先生

    stevie's father became a forest warden.the ole man who lived there before called old billy.he moved away and stevie's family lived there with a dog called black dan.it belonged to old billy before and was a racing dog.but every time when h** dog couldn't run fast anymore to win the races for him,old billy killed it and also bought a new one.black dan was the seventh.all of the other six dogs who were killed by billy became ghosts in the forest.
    one day when stevie was in h** room,he heard a sound like howling.the next day he heard it again.when we wondered about it,black dan ran out of the house quickly and ran into the forest.then he saw the ghosts watching him.he was so scared and tried to escape.he ran into an old mine but the dogs were still following.
    he kept running until he reached the very edge of a mine shaft.but he couldn't stop himself then.just when he was falling down the hole,black dan sopped him and pulled him back.then he got up and went out of the tunnel and got home with black dan guarding him all the way.black dan became the hero who had s**ed h** life.

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