
小阿飞 小阿飞
  • 刘盼盼. 刘盼盼.

    sorry seems to be the hardest word)难以开口说抱歉 what i got to do to make you love me?我做了什么使你爱上了我?what i got to do to make you care?我做了什么让你在乎 what do i do when lightning strikes me?当闪电在头上响彻时我做了什么?and i wake to find that you're not there?当我醒来已发现你不在身边 what i got to do to make you want me?我做了什么使你需要我?what i got to do to be heard?我做了什么什么使你听见 what do i say when it's all over?当一切结束时我该说什么 sorry seems to be the hardest word.难以开口说抱歉 it's sad,so sad 很悲伤,很悲伤 it's a sad,sad situation.这是一种很悲伤的情形 and it's getting and absurd.而且情况越来越荒谬 it's sad,so sad 很悲伤,很悲伤 why can't we talk it over?为什么我们不能好好谈一谈 oh it seems to me 噢,对我来说 that sorry seems to be the hardest word.抱歉是最难说出口的话 what do i do to make you want me?我做了什么使你需要我?what i got to do to be heard?我做了什么什么使你听见 what do i say when it's all over?当一切结束时我该说什么 sorry seems to be the hardest word.难以开口说抱歉 it's sad,so sad 很悲伤,很悲伤 it's a sad,sad situation.这是一种很悲伤的情形 and it's getting and absurd.而且情况越来越荒谬 it's sad,so sad 很悲伤,很悲伤 why can't we talk it over?为什么我们不能好好谈一谈 oh it seems to me 噢,对我来说 that sorry seems to be the hardest word.抱歉是最难说出口的话 what i got to do to make you love me?我做了什么让你爱上我?what i got to do to be heard?我做了什么让你听见?what do i do when lightning strikes me?在闪电在头上响彻时我在做什么?what h**e i got to do?我该怎么做 what h**e i got to do?我该怎么做 when sorry seems to be the hardest word.当抱歉成了最难说出口的话。9




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