
冬日恋歌 冬日恋歌
  • 一啪打死你 一啪打死你

    展开全部"war and peace"describes the two main kinds of,a kind of yikulajin represented and their self**h greed,hypocr**y fall,at the moment still scrambling for power and profit and pleasure.in the novel,kulagin ** the official ruffian,son anatoli ** young,her daughter alan ** a slut.another kind ** the pierre bejukhov,andre balkanski and natasha rostova,they close to people,hate society of boredom,after long-term mental exploration,become the social essence.andre and pierre are exploring the type of young intellectuals,two people in the character and life on the road in sharp contrast.andre introverted,strong minded,strong ability in social activities.he later joined the military,to recognize the power of corruption and the people of the upper ruling class in the face of life's harsh,finally in the great patriotic war devotion;pierre straightforward character,emotion,the lack of practical ability,and he was focused on moral ideal pursuit,in the d**tillation of and people's contact with the spirit,and eventually become a leading member of the progressive revolutionary groups;the hostess male natasha d**tinct personality,full of vigor and vitality,she and the people and the nature close to,with strong and rich emotion.【战争与和平】
    the story happened in the nine**th century,the **e anna turned out to be a ** officials of the lady,but in a tr**el handsome officer vee lonski to fall in love with a.after returning home,still carry on a clandestine love affair.the matter was later found the hu**and kalunting anna requirements divorce ** rejected,the threat of kalunting she will therefore again also see not to her beloved son.anna defected vee lonski,a short period of time of happy life,but soon dimensional wronskian will on th** section of emotions to get tired,eager to resume in the day army unfettered.anna ** m**sing her,finally in desperation to hit the train dutch act.【安娜·卡列尼娜】
    childhood"reflects the little hero alexa after h** father's death,with h** mother to live in my grandfather home through the years.during that time,he was my grandmother's love,care,and by the grandmother tells the beautiful fairy tale to the influence,also witnessed two uncles as for family quarrel fight,manifested in the trivia of self**hness,greed.the good and evil,love and hate in the real life left a deep impression on h** young mind.alexa ** in th**"stifling,full of terrible sight of the small world"had their own childhood."people ask"** golgi in the second movie in the trilogy of autobiographical novels.allyson at the age of 11,mother died,my grandfather also bankrupt.he could not continue to live destitute life,then embarked on a social and independent living.he has in the shoe store,icon workshop as an apprentice,draftsmen,ship done handyman,suffered the pain of the people in the world.when the ship was washing the d**hes,liao sha met the righteous chef,smoore,and began to read with h** help,inspired the determination of the pursuit of justice and truth.after five years,liao shahuai into university to prepare to go to kazan."my university"** golgi's autobiographical trilogy of the last part.the work about the life of aliocha in kazan period.at the age of 16,he went to the university of kazan to le**e the hometown.after the dream shattered,he did not h**e to run for survival."live in tenements,sell the coolie,with the flow,a tramp contact and all kinds of people,communication of intellectual,into a vast world of community college.in th** university,he has experienced the complex road of spiritual development,has withstood the test of many aspects of life,the meaning of life,the complexity of the world to carry out the initial exploration.【童年 在人间 我的大学】
    d**id kopofield ** a kind of good and honest,diligent,pragmatic and enterpr**ing intellectuals typical.d**id childhood death of h** father,h** mother remarried after h** stepfather died from abuse.after he was sent to boarding school reading,tortured,was sent to the factory as an apprentice,because of unbearable humiliation position,he left the factory to aunt home,aunt to ra**e him,let him study the law,h** character ** also suffering,frustration in mature,and finally embarked on the correct path in life.later became a writer,and married with h** beloved girlfriend.in the tw**ts and turns of h** life,although there h**e been wrong idea,absurd beh**ior and sad moments and depression days,but my aunt"whether at any time,must not be self**h and mean,must not make false false,must not be ruthless"became h** motto.whether it ** the suffering of h** orphan era and bitter,or h** indomitable struggle after adulthood,the performance of a small figure in the capital**t society to find a way out of the pain process.after experiencing a great suffering,he tasted the happiness of the world and the warm of d**id,by h** sincere,frank character,positive spirit,as well as the purity of the heart of love.【大卫·科波菲尔】
    yixili and lead to rupture.the daughter died accidentally fell off the horse,it broke h** heart.overworked excessive melanie died before her hu**and ashley and son entrusted to scarlett,but asked her to keep th** secret.scarlett recklessly rushed yixi li's arms,standing at the side of the red can't take it anymore,downhearted,turned and walked away.yixi li heartbroken no response,scarlett finally understand,she loves yixi li ** in fact does not ex**t.what she really needs ** rhett.【飘】
    ugly deaf quasimodo ** adoptive father claude the notre dame de par**,do hit the bell,father claude appearance serious since i met a beautiful gypsy girl esme lada,its beauty to the lure to dazzle,instigate quasimodo forcibly abducted esmeralda,way ** forb** c**alry captain rescued,aars mela da and fell in love with forb**.but kafub**i ** a romantic,vindictive claude assassination,but not dead.and referred to esmeralda.she was sentenced to the death penalty,execution,quasimodo to esme lada rescued and hide in notre dame,beggar masses in order to rescue esmeralda and rushed into the church and error with battle of quasimodo.esme lada was by crowder led the army strangulation in the square,quasimodo angrily will claude from the top floor of the church fell down underground,finally,quasimodo ask a aars mela da bodies xunqing.【巴黎圣母院】
    jean valjean young in order to give the hungry sibling to steal a loaf of bread or what to eat in jail,because the term escape extended sentence,the last release has become an uncle,he to the society ** full of hate,want revenge,but encountered a good master taught him,probation because of the way,he grabbed a piece of money a strange combination of circumstances of a child,hunted again,he took the b**hop incognito to give him the money to a small town opened a factory,became a millionaire and everybody loved the mayor,but finally i was a call on long j**ert knew h** identity had to escape and then he adopted a daughter fell in love with a counter revolutionary,he was also involved in the war,h** benevolence finally moved j**ert,let him but because j**ert violated h** own responsibility and self kill,jean valjean eventually died in her arms.【悲惨世界】
    a people from the streets to retrieve the orphan heathcliff,from humiliation,with the exception of master home daughter lady catherine actually appreciate the h** body of the wild.clif heath,a young boy,had a strong love for catherine.but the secular view of the ranks of the destruction of h** love.catherine married layton thrush manor.heath cliff's strong love became a strong hatred of the outside world,and then turned into a ruthless revenge plot.all the love,all hate,and finally into the howling wind,across the lonely gr**e,over a desolate wilderness.
    red and black"** a famous french writer si tangda's masterpiece.the protagon**t in even ** the son of small owners,by dint of w**dom,in the local mayor jiadang family of teachers with the mayor's wife and seduce crafty,revelations fled after the mayor's home,into the seminary.the dean of the theological faculty recommendation,to par** to extreme paul king party elites marqu** larmor when private secretary.soon the marqu**'s appreciation and reuse.at the same time,even with the marqu**'s daughter had an affair.finally,in the church of the planning,the mayor's wife was forced to write a letter **rming expose him,make him successful in the official career be destroyed on one day.he was angry,shot and wounded the mayor's wife,was sentenced to death by guillotine.【红与黑】都是英文介绍!【石康宁】

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