
打扰了. 打扰了.
  • 姗姗呀 姗姗呀

    mirrors(live)-ellie goulding
    aren't you somethin' to admire
    cause your shine ** somethin' like a mirror
    and i can't help but notice
    you reflect in th** heart of mine
    if you ever feel alone
    and the glare makes me hard to find
    just know that i'm always parallell on the other side
    cause with your hand in my hand
    and a pocket full of soul
    i can tell you there's no place we couldn't go
    just put your hand on the glass
    i'll be tryin' to pull you through
    you just gotta be strong
    cause i don't wanna lose you now
    i'm lookin' right at the other half of me
    the vacancy that sat in my heart
    ** a space that now you hold
    show me how to fight for now
    and i'll tell you baby it was easy
    comin' back into you once i figured it out
    you were right here all along
    it's like you're my mirror
    my mirror staring back at me
    i couldn't get any bigger
    with anyone else beside of me
    and now it's clear as th** prom**e
    that we're making two reflections into one
    cause it's like you're my mirror
    my mirror staring back at me
    staring back at me
    aren't you somethin'an original
    cause it doesn't seem merely assembled
    and i can't help but stare
    cause i see truth somewhere in your eyes
    i can't ever change without you
    you reflect me i love that about you
    and if i could i would look at us all the time
    cause with your hand in my hand
    and a pocket full of soul
    i can tell you there's no place we couldn't go
    just put your hand on the glass
    i'll be tryin' to pull you through
    you just gotta be strong
    cause i don't wanna lose you now
    i'm lookin' right at the other half of me
    the vacancy that sat in my heart
    ** a space that now you hold
    show me how to fight for now
    and i'll tell you baby
    it was easy
    comin' back into you once i figured it out
    you were right here all along
    it's like you're my mirror
    my mirror staring back at me
    i couldn't get any bigger
    with anyone else beside of me
    and now it's clear as th** prom**e
    that we're making two reflections into one
    cause it's like you're my mirror
    my mirror staring back at me
    staring back at me
    yesterday ** h**tory
    tomorrow's a mystery
    i can see you lookin' back at me
    keep your eyes on me
    baby keep your eyes on me
    cause i don't wanna lose you now
    i'm lookin' right at the other half of me
    the vacancy that sat in my heart
    ** a space that now you hold
    show me how to fight for now
    and i'll tell you baby it was easy
    comin' back into you once i figured it out
    you were right here all along
    it's like you're my mirror
    my mirror staring back at me
    i couldn't get any bigger
    with anyone else beside of me
    and now it's clear as th** prom**e
    that we're making two reflections into one
    cause it's like you're my mirror
    my mirror staring back at me
    staring back at me

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