
城市旁观者 城市旁观者
  • 涛哥 涛哥

    frankly speaking,the three occupations mentioned above are all quite respectable.they all h**e their own advantages and d**advantages.i would like to elaborate on them as follows:
    firstly,the we all know,their jobs h**e a lot to do with securites of the they can protect their families,friends as well as themselves with armed facilities like p**tol or things like that.but in the same time,they h**e to face great dangers when they carry out dangerous m**sions,sometimes even r**king their it ** a envious but also dangerous occupation.
    secondly, ** not rare to hear that teacher ** the most rewarding job,one that ** viewed as the engineer for the building of mankinds' soul.besides,teacher can enjoy their two d**tinctive vacations every of term.but people uesd to think that teachers' wo**ng conditions are not so desirable and they are not well paid even if they work hard.but things begin to change dramatically as ** gives priorities to education.
    thirdly.doctors.take the battle of fighting against ** in 2003 for example,we can understand the their importance to our they are doing such a respectable job,they can s**e many patients' lives.besides they can make a prescription for themselves if they are sick,which could be very economical and convenient.the demerits for th** job ** that they h**e to pay too much attention and be cautious,if anyone works like th** for a long time,they will feel quite exhausted.




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