
东南北- 东南北-
  • 一颗杉树 一颗杉树

    i'm the same as i was when i was 6 years old
    and oh my god i feel so damn old
    i don't really feel anything
    on a plane,i can see the tiny lights below
    and oh my god,they look so alone
    do they really feel anything?oh my god,i've gotta gotta gotta gotta move on
    where do you move when what you're moving from
    ** yourself?the universe works on a math equation
    that never even ever really ends in the end
    infinity spirals out creation
    we're on the tip of its tongue,and it ** saying
    we aint sure where you stand
    you aint machines and you aint land
    and the plants and the animals,they are linked
    and the plants and the animals eat each other
    oh my god and oh my cat
    i told my dad what i need
    well i know what i h**e and want
    but i don't know what i need
    well,he said he said he said he said
    where we're going i'm dead.




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