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    有据可查的星座起源于古巴比伦,巴比伦人在公元前1000年前后已提出30个星座。两河流域文化(古巴比伦一带)传到希腊以后,古希腊天文学家对巴比伦的星座进行了补充和发展,编制出了古希腊星座表。古希腊天文学家托勒玫综合了当时的天文成就编制了48个星座。中世纪以后,欧洲资本主义兴起,需要向外扩张,航海事业得到了很大的发展。船舶在大海上航行,随时需要导航,星星就是最好的指路灯。而在星星中,星座的形状比较特殊,最容易观测,因此,星座受到了普遍关注。16实际麦哲伦环球航行时,不仅利用星座导航定向,而且还对星座进行了研究。1922年,国际天文学联合会大会决定将天空划分为88个星座,其名称基本依照历史上的名称。1928年,国际天文联合会正式公布了88个星座的名称。这88个星座分成3个天区,北半球29个,南半球47个,黄道附近12个。而我们平时所讲的星座也就是黄道上的12星座。它们各有关于自己的一些神话传说。古代为了要方便在航海时辨别方位与观测天象,于是将散布在天上的星星运用想像力把它们连结起来,有一半是在古时候就已命名了,其命名的方式有依照古文明的神话与形状的附会(包含了美索不达米亚、巴比伦、埃及、希腊的神话与史诗)。另一半(大部是在南半球的夜空中)是近代才命名,经常用航海的仪器来命名。在古代因地域的不同,所以看星空的方式也就不一样!现在全世界已经统一依据星座图将天空划分为八十八区域八十八个星座。我们一般谈论的“星座”(sign),指的是“太阳星座”(sunsign);即以地球上的人为中心,同时间看到太阳运行到轨道(希腊文zodiac:即动物绕成的圈圈,又称“黄道”)上哪一个星座的位置,就说那个人是什么星座。二千多年前希腊的天文学家希巴克斯(hipparchus,西元前190~120年)为标示太阳在黄道上运行的位置,就将黄道带分成十二个区段,以春分点为0°,自春分点(即黄道零度)算起,每隔30°为一宫,并以当时各宫内所包含的主要星座来命名,依次为白羊、金牛、双子、巨蟹、狮子、处女、天秤、天蝎、射手、摩羯、水瓶、双鱼等宫,称之为黄道十二宫,总计为十二个星群。在地球运转到每个等份(星群)时所出生的婴儿,长大后总有若干相似的特征,包括行为特质、性格特征等。将这些联想(丰富的想像和创造力)串联起来,便使这些星群人性的具体化了;又加入神话的色彩,成为文化(主要指希腊和罗马神话)的重要部份。这套命理演进、流传至今至少五千年的历史,它们以这十二个星座为代表。但这些星座并非是某一个“星星”的意思,只能视为“名称相同的一种代表标记而已”。twelve constellation source
    arguably,the constellation originated in ancient babylonian babylonians in bc 1,000 years ago put forward after 30 constellation.
    two river valley culture(babylonian area)to greece after,ancient greek astronomers to babylon and complements the constellation,drawing up ancient greek constellation table.ancient greece astronomy at that time,mei comprehensive german-born astronomical achievements compiled the 48 constellation.
    medieval european capital**m after r**e,need for external expansion,maritime career got very big development.ships sailing on the sea,always need to n**igation,stars,** the best means street lamp.and in the stars,the shape of the constellation ** special,the most easy observation,therefore,constellation has caused wide public concern.16 when actual magellan round-the-world,not only use constellation n**igation,but also on the constellation oriented were studied.
    in 1922,the international astronomical union conference decided to sign into the sky,its name 88 in accordance with the name of basic in h**tory.in 1928,the international astronomical union formally announced the 88 element of name.th** 88 constellation into three days area,the northern hem**phere 29,47,near 12 zodiac.
    and what we usually speak constellation ** also the 12 zodiac constellation.they each h**e about some of h** own myths and legends.
    ancient to convenient at sea with the astronomical observation of orientation,so will spread in the stars using imagination link up them half ** in ancient times had named it,named after the ancient civilizations h**e according to the way of myths and shape lines(including mesopotamia,babylon,egypt,greek myth and epic).most are in the southern hem**phere partner(night)** only naming,often use modern instruments to naming of sailing.
    in ancient times,so different from place to watch the stars way also ** different!now the world has unified bas** into the sky constellation chart will bashibage constellation regional 88th.
    we usually talk about"constellation"(signs),refers to"the sun"(sunsign constellation);namely to earth at the same time the people as center,see the sun run to rail(greek zodiac:namely animals into rings around,say again"zodiac")on the position of which a constellation,she said the man ** what constellation.
    than 2,000 years ago the greek astronomers and backus(hipparchus,190~120 years bc)for running on labeling the sun in the zodiac position,will the zodiac into twelve section for 0 ° to equinox,since the equinox(namely zodiac zero)counting every 30 °,for a palace,and with each palace contains at the main constellation order named aries,taurus,gemini,cancer,the lion,maiden,libra,scorpio,striker,capricorn,water bottle,p**ces etc palace,called the zodiac,amounting to twelve constellation.in the earth in moving to each equal parts(which constellation)babies born when,after be brought up there are several similar features,including beh**ior character**tic,character,etc.will these lenovo(rich imagination and creativity,and make up)series of constellation embodies these human nature;and join legend,become a cultural(mainly refers to the greek and roman mythology)the important part.
    th** overview,which at least seven**th-century five thousand years of h**tory,they represented by the twelve constellation.but these constellation ** not a"star"mean,only as"the same name of a representative mark just".

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