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    mid-autumn festival has a long h**tory,and other traditional festivals,** also slowly evolved,a spring etiquette ancient emperors,at the autumn festival on the system,as early as in"zhou li,"a book that has"mid-autumn festival"records.later,nobles and also follow the example of the literati degree,in the mid-autumn festival season,facing another round-the sky ** a haoyue,watch worship,pinning sentiment,the practice spread to people in th** way,the formation of a traditional activities,has been to the tang dynasty th** festival,the custom attention,to become fixed in the mid-autumn festival holiday,"tang taizong of the mind"records"august 15 mid-autumn festival,"th** festival prevalent in the song dynasty to the ming and qing dynasties,and the famous new year's day has become one of china's major festivals.
    the legend of the mid-autumn festival ** very rich,changebenyue,cutting-gui wu gang,yutu chopped drugs such as the legend spread wide.
    mid-autumn festival one of the legends-changebenyue
    legend has it that in ancient times the sky ** on the 10th at the same time,shaide crops wither,minbuliaosheng,a hero named houyi,lidawuqiong,he sympathized with the suffering of the people,boarded the kunlun peak,wan foot brief introduction,opened god bow,cooked up absolute shot over nine sun,and ordered the last time the sun r**e and fall,the benefit of the people.
    houyi therefore subject to the respect and admiration of the people,hou yi married a beautiful kind-hearted wife,named chang'e.in addition to hunting hou yi-yi,and h** wife live together,people are envious of th** langcainvmao enai hu**and and wife.
    many chester muming to toushi learned,the intention unrighteousness peng meng also has come in mixed.
    one day,hou yi to the kunlun mountains and friends seeking road,which after the wangmuniangniang qiao yu,told the queen mother obtained a packet of immortality drugs.it ** said that fuxia the drug can go to he**en instantly immortal.however,hou yi reluctant to le**e h** wife and had temporarily handed over to the death-chang collection.chang will sink into the possession of the drug-pack 100,was unexpectedly peng meng saw the villain,he wanted to steal their immortality drug immortal.
    three days later,houyilvzhong just go out hunting,peng meng pretend xinhuaiguitai the sick,stay.hou yi was left to be near people,peng meng neizhai armed with sword into the backyard,coercion chang surrender of immortality drugs.chang peng meng ** not aware of their opponents,critical time of her act dec**ively,turned to open 100-pack,with a death swallow the medicine go.chang swallow drugs,your body immediately piaoli the ground,out of the window,flew to the sky.as chang worried about her hu**and,it feila from human to the moon on a recent cents.
    evening,hou yi returned home,the maid who had cried during the day what happened.hou yi both frightened younu,choujianqusha etu,peng meng escaped early,houyi qidechuixiong led stomp,beitongyujue,look up the night sky calls for wife's name,then he surpr**ed to find that today's moon,particularly jiaojie bright,but there ** a shaking of the shadow like chang.he desperately to recover towards the moon,but h** three-step recovery,the moon three-step retreat,he three-step withdrawal,the moon into three steps,no matter how the previous also zhuibu dao.
    houyi helpless,and m**s h** wife,chang e had sent people to enjoy the garden,put on xiangan,she usually put most f**orite honey fresh fruit,in yuegong yaoji,a nostalgic their chang'e.people who heard the news that changebenyue immortal,one after another on the d**play in xiangan,to pray for good chang'e auspicious peace.
    since then,the mid-autumn festival baidoa,the custom has spread in the civil.
    the legend of the mid-autumn festival-wu gang won the
    there ** also a legend on the mid-autumn festival:legend has it on the moon before the laurel guanghan gong luxuriant growth,than 500 zhang,who often below a cut in it,but each had to,the areas immediately beikan the closure.for thousands of years,such as with a chop,这棵laurel never be kanguang.it ** said that th** tree-felling of people named wu gang,** the han river,h**e followed immortal religious,to he**en,but he made a m**take,put h** immortal ban**hed to yuegong that day in vain to do th** so that the kucha to show pun**hment.li bai's poems are"to mid-gui zhuo,who h**e to pay cold"records.
    three legends of the mid-autumn festival-zhu yuanzhang and moon cakes upr**ing
    legend has it the mid-autumn festival moon cakes at the yuan dynasty.at that time,the central plains majority of the people unbearable yuan dynasty ruling class,the brutal rule,one after another upr**ing against yuan.zhu yuanzhang joint preparations for the intifada of all res**tance forces.however,zhao ting officers and soldiers raided the very tight,very difficult to impart **rmation.junshi liu bowen will come up with a trick,possession of an order under the"august 15 nights intifada,"the note of the bingzi inside,and then sent separately to send in the army throughout the intifada,**rming them in the evening of august 15 response to the intifada.to the day of the intifada,together response of all yijun,such as xinghuoliaoyuan military upr**ing.
    soon,xu yuan dadu scored on,the success of the intifada.news of zhu yuanzhang glad i was quickly under-encyclical,in the coming mid-autumn festival,all the officers and men to play with the people,and then when qibing secret ** to the"moon cakes",as a seasonal cakes reward qunchen.since then,the"moon cakes"create and soph**ticated,varieties,if the d**c has become the gift to share.mid-autumn festival after the custom of eating moon cakes will be open to civil spread.
    the custom throughout the mid-autumn festival
    mid-autumn festival,one of the most important activities ** a full moon and eating moon cakes.
    the full moon
    in the mid-autumn festival,china's ancient customs are the full moon,"the book of rites,"recorded in the"autumn fifty xi,"that ** worshipped yueshen.to the zhou dynasty,in qiuye be held during the winter and welcome ceremonies on.a large xiangan,put on moon cakes,watermelon,apples,plums,grapes and other seasonal fruits,cakes and watermelon ** definitely not small.cut watermelon should lotus-shaped.
    in the tang dynasty,mid-autumn festival,wanyue quite popular.in the song dynasty,the full moon of the mid-autumn wind gengsheng,according to the"tokyo menghua recorded"record:"qiuye,your home decorated taixie guitar,civil struggle of the restaurant wan yue."on th** day,the capital of all stores and restaurants must be re-cosmetic,ceremonial arches on扎silk wounded,the sale of fresh fruits and refined good food,bustling night market,many people h**e boarded楼台,some well-off people in their own楼台tingge on the full moon,and a private banquet put on food or arrangements,reunite children,the full moon xutan common.
    after the ming and qing dynasties,the full moon on mid-autumn festival customs still,in many places formed a bucket burning incense,tree mid-autumn festival,the point tower lights,lamp-day,walk the moon,the fire dragon dance,and other special customs.
    moon cakes
    china's ** and rural masses of the mid-autumn festival has been the custom of eating moon cakes,saying that:"august shi wuyue zhengyuan,moon cakes and sweet incense."moon cakes were originally used to bong yueshen the festival offerings,"moon cakes",first seen at the southern song dynasty wu,animal hu**andry,"meng liang recorded",then,it ** the same as linghua cake pie-shaped food.later,people gradually to the full moon and tasting moon cakes mid-autumn combination of implied meaning of the symbol of family reunion.
    moon cakes were originally produced in the family,yuan mei-ching"sui garden fresh l**t"on the moon cakes h**e documented the practice.in modern times,a special workshop for the production of moon cakes,moon cake production and soph**ticated,topping elegant,good looks,also outside the moon cakes in a variety of fine printed patterns,such as"changebenyue,""galaxy yeyue,""santanyinyue."on trillion yen to the people of the reunion,to a round cake of the people of katherine chang-sheng,with moon cakes sustenance m**s home,m**s the pro-ren zhiqing,hope harvest,happiness,h**e become the people's aspiration of the world,moon cakes were also used as gifts sent to the pro-gifts friends,contact feelings.
    mid-autumn festival poetry election
    (tang),mr lee park
    hao魄or when the air baojing,inter-sen angels death silent;平分秋色a full,a thousand miles long ban yun qu ming;jiaotu air from the outside with string,the demon frog to take immediate health;ling chá about to join hands with the thoroughquestion-galaxy.
    august 15 nights wanyue
    (tang)liu yuxi
    tonight will be days,washing tse-ying again.
    summer retreat jiuxiao net,qiu cheng king-million.
    star to glory,lu feng jing of britain.
    the world can change the world,** youran-beijing.
    (song)su dongpo
    bing-chen mid-autumn festival,huanyin of the day.taizui for此篇,and with sub-by.
    明月几时有»q wine blue sky.
    i do not know the sky gongque,jinxi he ** in»
    i would like to hang guiqu,fear qionglouyuyu,
    高处不胜寒!dance clear shadow,like what in the world»
    court to zhu,low-chi households,according to no sleep.
    there should be no hate,what a long time to the other circle»
    beihuanlige people,confront on a round m**sing,the whole matter ancient difficult.
    但愿人长久,a total of chan-juan trinidad.
    in qiuyue
    muyun to do yi qing han,yupan to ngan hon silent,
    the health and the night not long,and see where the moon next year.
    taichang (song)xin qiji
    a shadow to fall jinbo,fly-mill again.
    q heng-e wine:white hair was deceptive奈何!good to hang,the vast sky thousands of miles,
    直下see mountains and rivers.zhuo to guangxi posuo.-** humane.
    ** folk songs:
    mid-autumn trip thinking
    yan gu ying-see,daughter read united inspectors;hometown autumn yi,the influx ...

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