
用户5907261742 用户5907261742
  • 枯木老树 枯木老树

    dark 作名词的时候,只能用在以下短语中:
    (1)the dark:when there ** no light,especially because the sun has gone down:
    例句:my child**h fear of the dark
    in the dark
    例句:i turned off the light and lay there in the dark.
    例句:we stood outside in the pitch dark(=when there ** no light at all).
    (2)after/before/until dark=after,before,or until the sun goes down at night:
    i want you home before dark.
    (3)in the dark=knowing nothing about something important,because you h**e not been told about it:
    例句:we're in the dark just as much as you are.
    darkness 做名词用在以下三种情况
    (1)when there ** no light:
    例句:the long hours of darkness during winter
    in darkness
    例句:the lamp suddenly went out,le**ing us in darkness.
    total/pitch/complete darkness
    例句:the room was in total darkness.
    例句:we lit our campfire as darkness fell(=it became night).
    例句:he stared out the window at the gathering darkness(=the night slowly coming).
    (2)evil or the devil:
    例句:h** smooth manner covered a heart of darkness.
    the forces/powers of darkness(=the devil or evil people)
    (3)the dark quality of a colour:
    例句:the darkness of the lenses




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