斗罗**神界传说手游装备怎么得 装备获得途径汇总


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  • 柚单 柚单

    well i was walkin for some time
    when i came across th** sign
    sayin"who are you and where are you from?we don't like when v**itors come.
    no trespassing"that's what it said
    at least that's what i could read.
    no trespassing?yeah,my ass!wait till ya get a load of me!one day i was trippin and that's when i could see
    that the ether i had tapped into could be reality
    it was great,that's when i climbed that optim**tic vine
    once i hit that mountain peak i began to lose my mind
    i don't need no sympathy.i won't cry and whine.
    life's my light and liberty
    and i'll shine when i wanna shine.
    make their faces crack
    there's no turnin back.
    let's go!well i was walkin for some time
    when i came across th** sign
    sayin"who are you and where are you from?we don't like when v**itors come.
    no trespassing"that's what it said
    at least that's what i could read.
    no trespassing?yeah,my ass!wait till ya get a load of me!i ain't got bs in my bag
    that's the one thing you can believe
    my heart ** gold,my body ** lax
    come on baby,can't you see?i don't need no gps
    to show me where to go
    but i can turn into the north pole
    and i'll show you what ** cold
    i don't need no sympathy.i won't cry and whine.
    life's my light and liberty
    and i'll shine when i wanna shine.
    make their faces crack
    there's no turnin back.
    let's go!well i was walkin for some time
    when i came across th** sign
    sayin"who are you and where are you from?we don't like when v**itors come.
    no trespassing"that's what it said
    at least that's what i could read.
    no trespassing?yeah,my ass!wait till ya get a load of me!i ain't stayin' at home!i got places to roam!i ain't stayin' at home!i don't need no sympathy.i won't cry and whine.
    life's my light and liberty
    and i'll shine when i wanna shine.
    well i was walkin for some time
    when i came across th** sign
    sayin"who are you and where are you from?we don't like when v**itors come.
    no trespassing"that's what it said
    at least that's what i could read.
    no trespassing?yeah,my ass!wait till ya get a load of me!




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