
占占 占占
  • 国产小仙女 国产小仙女

    歌曲名:word salad
    专辑:bag of tricks
    white coats swarm about the patient.they've come to see inside h** head.
    white coats say he's incoherent and tell him that he's sick.straps and
    restraints don't hold back the horrible v**ions,and the syrup in the syringe
    only causes them to melt into a vile blob.they don't understand h**
    monosyllabic utterances,yet the patient babbles on in h** foreign
    closets of my mind destroyed,as i enter outward from a void
    corpses white h**e strapped me down,i r**e above then fall
    tactual hallucination,cockroaches infest the wall
    psychic pain on ice,i hurt
    devoid strength my life,inert
    anger fills they're shocked me back
    white corpses turn to black
    i run on psychic gasoline,my fuel shall burn you all
    word salad,no ballad
    word salad,no ballad
    diabolic plot,a toy,my brain the corpses to destroy
    tetanus shot,be sure it's not,i w**h i were at school
    closets of my mind destroyed,but i enter inward,black void
    hatred turned to apathy,led down th** black abyss
    good night,farewell you pig from hell,th** world i shall not m**s
    word salad,no ballad
    word salad
    woken up from death,nausea
    catatonic stupor,anoxia
    remaining still i hold onto a sense of permanence
    negativ**tic fear of pain,algophobic life sentence
    moral,physical decay,hatred withered away
    scourge of god he makes me pay,i shall not live or die
    vegetative judgement passed,my only thought to cry




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