
猫性小仙女 猫性小仙女
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    to see a world in a grain of sand
    and a he**en in a wild flower,
    hold infinity in the palm of your hand
    and eternity in an hour.
    上面的四行诗是长诗《auguries of innocence》的开头四行。作者名唤威廉·布莱克(william blake 1757-1827),他还是一位水彩画家、版画家。此诗写于1863年。有意思的是,虽然前四句家喻户晓,整**诗却不在布莱克的代表作之列,评论家们也很少谈起。全诗如下:
    auguries of innocence
    to see a world in a grain of sand
    and a he**en in a wild flower,
    hold infinity in the palm of your hand
    and eternity in an hour.
    a robin redbreast in a cage
    puts all he**en in a rage.
    a dove-house filled with doves and pigeons
    shudders hell through all its regions.
    a dog starved at h** master's gate
    predicts the ruin of the state.
    a horse m**used upon the road
    calls to he**en for human blood.
    each outcry of the hunted hare
    a fibre from the brain does tear.
    a skylark wounded in the wing,
    a cherubim does cease to sing.
    the game-cock clipped and armed for fight
    does the r**ing sun affright.
    every wolf's and lion's howl
    ra**es from hell a human soul.
    the wild deer wandering here and there
    keeps the human soul from care.
    the lamb m**used breeds public strife,
    and yet forgives the butcher's knife.
    the bat that flits at close of eve
    has left the brain that won't believe.
    the owl that calls upon the night
    speaks the unbeliever's fright.
    he who shall hurt the little wren
    shall never be beloved by men.
    he who the ox to wrath has moved
    shall never be by woman loved.
    the wanton boy that kills the fly
    shall feel the spider's enmity.
    he who torments the chafer's sprite
    we**es a bower in endless night.
    the caterpillar on the leaf
    repeats to thee thy mother's grief.
    kill not the moth nor butterfly,
    for the last judgment draweth nigh.
    he who shall train the horse to war
    shall never pass the polar bar.
    the beggar's dog and widow's cat,
    feed them,and thou wilt grow fat.
    the gnat that sings h** summer's song
    po**on gets from slander's tongue.
    the po**on of the snake and newt
    ** the sweat of envy's foot.
    the po**on of the honey-bee
    ** the art**t's jealousy.
    the prince's robes and beggar's rags
    are toadstools on the m**er's bags.
    a truth that's told with bad intent
    beats all the lies you can invent.
    it ** right it should be so:
    man was made for joy and woe;and when th** we rightly know
    through the world we safely go.
    joy and woe are woven fine,
    a clothing for the soul divine.
    under every grief and pine
    runs a joy with silken twine.
    the babe ** than swaddling bands,
    throughout all these human lands;tools were made and born were hands,
    every farmer understands.
    every tear from every eye
    becomes a babe in eternity;th** ** caught by females bright
    and returned to its own delight.
    the bleat,the bark,bellow,and roar
    are w**es that beat on he**en's shore.
    the babe that weeps the rod beneath
    writes revenge!in realms of death.
    the beggar's rags fluttering in air
    does to rags the he**ens tear.
    the soldier armed with sword and gun
    palsied strikes the summer's sun.
    the poor man's farthing ** worth than all the gold on afric's shore.
    one mite wrung from the labourer's hands
    shall buy and sell the m**er's lands,
    or if protected from on high
    does that whole nation sell and buy.
    he who mocks the infant's faith
    shall be mocked in age and death.
    he who shall teach the child to doubt
    the rotting gr**e shall ne'er get out.
    he who respects the infant's faith
    triumphs over hell and death.
    the child's toys and the old man's reasons
    are the fruits of the two seasons.
    the questioner who sits so sly
    shall never know how to reply.
    he who replies to words of doubt
    doth put the light of knowledge out.
    the strongest po**on ever known
    came from caesar's laurel crown.
    nought can deform the human race
    like to the armour's iron brace.
    when gold and gems adorn the plough
    to peaceful arts shall envy bow.
    a riddle or the cricket's cry
    ** to doubt a fit reply.
    the emmet's inch and eagle's mile
    make lame philosophy to smile.
    he who doubts from what he sees
    will ne'er believe,do what you please.
    if the sun and moon should doubt,
    they'd immediately go out.
    to be in a passion you good may do,
    but no good if a passion ** in you.
    the whore and gambler,by the state
    licensed,build that nation's fate.
    the harlot's cry from street to street
    shall we**e old england's winding sheet.
    the winner's shout,the loser's curse,
    dance before dead england's hearse.
    every night and every morn
    some to m**ery are born.
    every morn and every night
    some are born to sweet delight.
    some are born to sweet delight,
    some are born to endless night.
    we are led to believe a lie
    when we see not through the eye
    which was born in a night to per**h in a night,
    when the soul slept in beams of light.
    god appears,and god ** light
    to those poor souls who dwell in night,
    but does a human form d**play
    to those who dwell in realms of day.

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