

小悠和二花 小悠和二花
  • 萱哥 萱哥

    歌曲名:where do you start(lp version)
    歌手:michael feinstein
    专辑:**n't it romantic
    barbra stre**and-where do you start
    where do you start?how do you separate the present from the past?how do you deal with all the thing
    you thought would last?that didn't last
    with bits of memories scattered here and there
    i look around and don't know where to start
    which books are yours?which tapes and dreams belong to you
    and which are mine?our lives are tangled like the branches of
    a vine that intertwine
    so many habits that we'll h**e to break
    and yesterday's we'll h**e to take apart
    one day there'll be a song
    or something in the air again
    to catch me by surpr**e
    and you'll be there again
    a moment in what might h**e been
    where do you start?do you allow yourself a little time to cry?or do you close your eyes
    and k**s it all goodbye?i guess you try
    and though i don't know where
    and don't know when
    i'll find myself in love again
    i prom**e there will always be
    a little place no one will see
    a tiny part within my heart,
    that stays in love with you




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