传奇楚城归来 装备在哪里可以换元宝

3718869 3718869
  • 特立独行的羊 特立独行的羊

    歌手:the who
    专辑:singles box
    mims-doctor doctor
    aw man,i'm fucked up man.
    i think i need to see a psychiatr**t.
    my minds playing tricks on me man.
    i said doctor,doctor won't you help me?so many sick thoughts see my mind ain't healthy.
    mad at the fact that i ain't wealthy,
    so i sell drugs ain't ** you could tell me.
    when he got 10 cars and i got no car,
    waitin at the bus stop,i can't go far.
    you ain't poor you don't know what it ** like
    to be in my shoes man and see what i live like.
    now how can you live life
    20 plus years old caught in a mid-life cr****.
    fuck who's the nicest.
    it's about coppin them new devices,
    italian ices,gaugin prices,
    when you on top you should see how life **.
    so unrighteous,but it feels so good,
    mad at me like"he ain't no good",
    but i feel so good.
    i mean,i mean damn doc.
    ** ** goin real good for me.
    i got a lot of fame now.
    but i don't think i could take it man.
    check it out.i said doctor,
    doctor i need help now,
    ain't slept in years so i see a melt down.
    either that or permanent breakdown
    cause my"hypeman"ain't learnin the breakdown.
    i'm on tour now,
    my voice ** tow down movin too fast but i can't slow down.
    doc said to rest time to cancel the show now.
    fans upset like i'm a no show,"wow".
    but i ain't do it on purpose behind the fame man
    i'm a regular person.
    but i feel worthless,the gift and
    curse ** if i fuck up my voice then it ain't worth it.
    but i gotta give them what they purchased.
    if i'm the d**ciple
    then what they worship ** hip hop not just a couple of verses.
    and doc hold up i'm just touchin the surface.
    i mean damn doc,
    i can't take th** no man.
    i'm crackin under pressure.
    it's a little too much for me man.
    my minds goin crazy right now.
    check it out.
    i said doctor,
    dctor i'm losin my mind quick.
    ain't been shot but it seems like i'm hit.
    who woulda thought after all i did
    and all i gained i would call it quits.
    5'9"but i'm tall as ** and skies the limit then watch how tall i get.
    wait,th** ** what other niggaz would call dreams
    but me th** life meaning it was foreseen.
    so why am i complainin god blessed me man,
    i'm an angel in training.
    i done came in the game in a dash like damon,
    predicted the reign man just like"rain man".
    down in the sun on the **land of cayman
    while you and your main man stood on the main land.
    even real niggaz know what i'm saying.
    yeah ** changed but i ain't changin,for nobody.
    i mean god damn doc.
    i been coming to you for the last 3 years and you ain't said **.
    seems like i talk my way out my own problems.
    sitting over here paying you all th** money.
    i'm crazy man,i'm crazy.
    i'm crazy man,i'm crazy.
    i'm crazy man,i'm crazy.
    uh,i'm crazy man,i'm crazy.
    i'm crazy man,i'm crazy.
    we goin to the next one now,
    mims-doctor doctorhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10302243

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