
志明 志明
  • 小虾米 小虾米

    natural d**aster cause animals to become extincrion.but almost all wildlife extinctions are caused by human beings.men made dam and road,cut forests and polluted the water.case of humans catch the wild animals to h**e pets are hundreds and hundreds.wildlife in many ra**rests in danger of extinctio as ra**rests are destroing.
    in order to protect wildlife,we,as human beings,should practice a greener lifestyle.by conserving water and fossil fuels,we will be helping to protect the wildlife around ourselves.we should try to ake public transportation when we can,turn off electric devices when we're not using them.we should also become knowledgeable about what contributes to global warming,which d**rupts migration patterns and habitats.also,we should try to **oid d**rupting the natural ecosystem in our area.non-native plants or animals can wreck h**oc on habitats,particularly if there ** no natural predator to keep the species in check.invasive plants can kill or d**rupt native plants that provide food and shelter for wildlife.in th** commercialized society,we should buy products that are wildlife friendly.it means that we should **oid products that are made from threatened or endangered animals,and keep in mind that some endangered animals are killed by traps,snares or hunters who are after other wildlife within the same habitat.finally,we should join a community group that reestabl**hes native habitats for wildlife or that tackles local pollution.like many others,we can always give money to wildlife sanctuaries or other groups that protect wildlife species.




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