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菟丝子 菟丝子
  • 清风 清风

    歌名是two worlds.复数形式。帮你找了歌词
    歌手:phil collins 专辑:tarzan
    put your faith in what you most believe in
    two worlds,one family
    trust your heart
    let fate decide
    to guide these lives we see
    a parad**e untouched by man
    within th** world blessed with love
    a simple life,they live in peace
    softly tread the sand below your feet now
    two worlds,one family
    trust your heart
    let fate decide
    to guide these lives we see
    beneath the shelter of the trees
    only love can enter here
    a simple life,they live in peace
    ra**e your head up
    lift high the load
    take strength from those that need you
    build high the walls
    build strong the beams
    a new life ** waiting
    but danger's no stranger here
    no words describe a mother's tears
    no words can heal a broken heart
    a dream ** gone,but where there's hope
    somewhere something ** calling for you
    two worlds,one family
    trust your heart
    let fate decide
    to guide these lives we see




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