

海棠未眠 海棠未眠
  • 筱筱 筱筱

    songs title:party hard
    i used to try very hard to make friends with everyone on the planet.
    ive seen you h**in it,h**in it yeah
    but now youve just had it.
    entertainment can sometimes be hard when the thing that you love ** the same thing thats
    holding you down.
    th** man ** dangerous,he just shed h** load on your best party frock.
    before you enter the palace of w**dom you h**e to decide:are you ready to rock?oh can you party with me?can you show me a good time?do you even know what one looks like?and i dont need to hear your stories again
    ust get on the floor&show me what youre made of.
    just what exactly are you made of?baby,youre driving me crazy.(x2)
    i was h**ing a whale of a time until
    your uncle psychos** arrived.
    why do we h**e to half kill ourselves just to prove were alive?im here whenever you need me&whenever you need me i wont be here.
    h**e you ever stopped to ask yourself?if you didnt come to party then why did you
    come here?why did you come here?baby,youre driving me crazy.(x2)
    and do you really know want to know just how come you turned out so dumb?when the partys over will you
    come home with me?when the partys over will you come home with me?now the partys
    over will you come home to me.
    will you come home to me?(repeated)




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